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5 years ago
package basic
import (
5 years ago
5 years ago
func Test_Jq(t *testing.T) {
data := GetJieqiLoops(2019, 24)
for i := 1; i < 25; i++ {
//fmt.Println(JDE2Date(GetWHTime(2019, 10)))
//fmt.Println(JDE2Date(GetJQTime(2020, 0)))
//date := TD2UT(GetJQTime(2020, 0), true)
5 years ago
func TestZD(t *testing.T) {
jde := 2452982.9872345612
zd := HJZD(jde)
if zd != -0.003746747950462434 {
t.Fatal("not equal")
zd = JJZD(jde)
if zd != 0.001513453926274198 {
t.Fatal("not equal")
5 years ago
func Test_SunLo(t *testing.T) {
fmt.Printf("%.14f\n", HSunTrueLo(2458840.0134162))
fmt.Printf("%.14f", HSunApparentLo(2458840.0134162))
5 years ago
func Test_SunDiff(t *testing.T) {
n := JDECalc(2000, 1, 1)
var maxRa, maxDec, maxLo float64
for i := float64(0); i < 365.2422*30; i++ {
tLo := HSunApparentLo(n + i)
tRa, tDec := HSunApparentRaDec(n + i)
fRa, fDec := SunApparentRaDec(n + i)
fLo := SunApparentLo(n + i)
tmp := tools.Limit360(math.Abs(tRa - fRa))
if tmp > 300 {
tmp = 360 - tmp
if tmp > maxRa {
maxRa = tmp
tmp = tools.Limit360(math.Abs(tDec - fDec))
if tmp > 300 {
tmp = 360 - tmp
if tmp > maxDec {
maxDec = tmp
tmp = tools.Limit360(math.Abs(tLo - fLo))
if tmp > 300 {
tmp = 360 - tmp
if tmp > maxLo {
maxLo = tmp
fmt.Printf("%.15f %.15f %.15f\n", maxRa*3600, maxDec*3600, maxLo*3600)
func Benchmark_SunRise(b *testing.B) {
jde := GetNowJDE()
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
GetSunRiseTime(jde, 115, 32, 8, 0, 10)
func Benchmark_SunLo(b *testing.B) {
jde := GetNowJDE()
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
5 years ago
func Test_Cal(t *testing.T) {
3 years ago
fmt.Println(JDE2Date(GetSolar(2020, 1, 1, false, 8.0/24.0)))
fmt.Println(JDE2Date(GetSolar(2020, 4, 1, false, 8.0/24.0)))
fmt.Println(JDE2Date(GetSolar(2020, 4, 1, true, 8.0/24.0)))
fmt.Println(JDE2Date(GetSolar(2033, 11, 3, false, 8.0/24.0)))
fmt.Println(JDE2Date(GetSolar(2033, 11, 3, true, 8.0/24.0)))
fmt.Println(JDE2Date(GetSolar(2034, 1, 1, false, 8.0/24.0)))
5 years ago
func Test_SunRise(t *testing.T) {
a := time.Now().UnixNano()
//b := GetSunRiseTime(GetNowJDE(), 120, 32, 8, 0)
//b = GetSunRiseTime(GetNowJDE()+1, 145, 32, 8, 0)
//b = GetSunRiseTime(GetNowJDE()+2, 135, 50, 8, 0)
//b = GetSunRiseTime(GetNowJDE()+3, 125, 32, 8, 0)
//b = GetSunRiseTime(GetNowJDE()+4, 75, 32, 8, 0)
//b = GetSunRiseTime(GetNowJDE()+5, 85, 32, 8, 0)
//b = GetSunRiseTime(GetNowJDE()+6, 95, 32, 8, 0)
//b = GetSunRiseTime(GetNowJDE()+7, 105, 32, 8, 0)
//b = GetSunRiseTime(GetNowJDE()+8, 115, 32, 8, 0)
b := GetSunRiseTime(GetNowJDE()+9, 125, 32, 8, 0, 10)
5 years ago
fmt.Println(time.Now().UnixNano() - a)
fmt.Println(SunHeight(b, 115, 32, 8))
5 years ago
fmt.Println(time.Now().UnixNano() - a)
func Test_SunTwilightMo(t *testing.T) {
cst := time.FixedZone("cst", 8*3600)
jde := Date2JDE(time.Date(2023, 10, 3, 15, 59, 0, 0, cst))
fmt.Println(GetAsaTime(jde, 113.58880556, 87.66833333, 8, -6))
for i := 10.0; i < 90.0; i += 0.3 {
fmt.Println(i, GetAsaTime(jde, 125.45506654, float64(i), 8, -6))
func Test_SunTwilightEv(t *testing.T) {
cst := time.FixedZone("cst", 8*3600)
jde := Date2JDE(time.Date(2023, 10, 3, 15, 59, 0, 0, cst))
for i := 10.0; i < 90.0; i += 0.3 {
fmt.Println(i, GetBanTime(jde, 115, float64(i), 8, -18))
func Test_SunRiseRound(t *testing.T) {
jde := GetNowJDE()
for i := 10.0; i < 90.0; i += 0.3 {
fmt.Println(i, GetSunRiseTime(jde, 115, float64(i), 8, 0, 0))
func Test_SunDown(t *testing.T) {
jde := GetNowJDE()
for i := 10.0; i < 90.0; i += 0.3 {
fmt.Println(i, GetSunDownTime(jde, 115, float64(i), 8, 0, 0))
func Test_SunAz(t *testing.T) {
cst := time.FixedZone("cst", 8*3600)
fmt.Println(SunAngle(Date2JDE(time.Date(2022, 5, 30, 11, 55, 0, 0, cst)),
120, 30, 8.0))
1 year ago
func TestJQDate(t *testing.T) {
trimDay := func(d float64) float64 {
if d-math.Floor(d) < 0.5 {
return math.Floor(d) - 0.5
return math.Floor(d) + 0.5
c := 0
for year := 1900; year <= 2600; year++ {
for pos := 0; pos < 360; pos += 15 {
n := newGetJQTime(year, pos)
o := GetJQTime(year, pos)
if trimDay(n) != trimDay(o) {
fmt.Printf("\"%d%03d\":%.0f,", year, pos, trimDay(o)-trimDay(n))
func newGetJQTime(Year, Angle int) float64 { //节气时间
var j int = 1
var Day int
var tp float64
if Angle%2 == 0 {
Day = 18
} else {
Day = 3
if Angle%10 != 0 {
tp = float64(Angle+15.0) / 30.0
} else {
tp = float64(Angle) / 30.0
Month := 3 + tp
if Month > 12 {
Month -= 12
JD1 := JDECalc(int(Year), int(Month), float64(Day))
if Angle == 0 {
Angle = 360
for i := 0; i < j; i++ {
for {
JD0 := JD1
stDegree := newJQLospec(JD0) - float64(Angle)
stDegreep := (newJQLospec(JD0+0.000005) - newJQLospec(JD0-0.000005)) / 0.00001
JD1 = JD0 - stDegree/stDegreep
if math.Abs(JD1-JD0) <= 0.00001 {
JD1 -= 0.001
JD1 += 0.001
return JD1 - 0.0046296296296296
func newJQLospec(JD float64) float64 {
t := tools.FloatRound(SunApparentLo(JD), 9)
if t <= 12 {
t += 360
return t