157 lines
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157 lines
3.9 KiB
package basic
import (
. "b612.me/astro/tools"
func SaturnL(JD float64) float64 {
return planet.WherePlanet(5, 0, JD)
func SaturnB(JD float64) float64 {
return planet.WherePlanet(5, 1, JD)
func SaturnR(JD float64) float64 {
return planet.WherePlanet(5, 2, JD)
func ASaturnX(JD float64) float64 {
l := SaturnL(JD)
b := SaturnB(JD)
r := SaturnR(JD)
el := planet.WherePlanet(-1, 0, JD)
eb := planet.WherePlanet(-1, 1, JD)
er := planet.WherePlanet(-1, 2, JD)
x := r*Cos(b)*Cos(l) - er*Cos(eb)*Cos(el)
return x
func ASaturnY(JD float64) float64 {
l := SaturnL(JD)
b := SaturnB(JD)
r := SaturnR(JD)
el := planet.WherePlanet(-1, 0, JD)
eb := planet.WherePlanet(-1, 1, JD)
er := planet.WherePlanet(-1, 2, JD)
y := r*Cos(b)*Sin(l) - er*Cos(eb)*Sin(el)
return y
func ASaturnZ(JD float64) float64 {
//l := SaturnL(JD)
b := SaturnB(JD)
r := SaturnR(JD)
// el := planet.WherePlanet(-1, 0, JD)
eb := planet.WherePlanet(-1, 1, JD)
er := planet.WherePlanet(-1, 2, JD)
z := r*Sin(b) - er*Sin(eb)
return z
func ASaturnXYZ(JD float64) (float64, float64, float64) {
l := SaturnL(JD)
b := SaturnB(JD)
r := SaturnR(JD)
el := planet.WherePlanet(-1, 0, JD)
eb := planet.WherePlanet(-1, 1, JD)
er := planet.WherePlanet(-1, 2, JD)
x := r*Cos(b)*Cos(l) - er*Cos(eb)*Cos(el)
y := r*Cos(b)*Sin(l) - er*Cos(eb)*Sin(el)
z := r*Sin(b) - er*Sin(eb)
return x, y, z
func SaturnSeeRa(JD float64) float64 {
lo, bo := SaturnSeeLoBo(JD)
sita := Sita(JD)
ra := math.Atan2((Sin(lo)*Cos(sita) - Tan(bo)*Sin(sita)), Cos(lo))
ra = ra * 180 / math.Pi
return Limit360(ra)
func SaturnSeeDec(JD float64) float64 {
lo, bo := SaturnSeeLoBo(JD)
sita := Sita(JD)
dec := ArcSin(Sin(bo)*Cos(sita) + Cos(bo)*Sin(sita)*Sin(lo))
return dec
func SaturnSeeRaDec(JD float64) (float64, float64) {
lo, bo := SaturnSeeLoBo(JD)
sita := Sita(JD)
ra := math.Atan2((Sin(lo)*Cos(sita) - Tan(bo)*Sin(sita)), Cos(lo))
ra = ra * 180 / math.Pi
dec := ArcSin(Sin(bo)*Cos(sita) + Cos(bo)*Sin(sita)*Sin(lo))
return Limit360(ra), dec
func EarthSaturnAway(JD float64) float64 {
x, y, z := ASaturnXYZ(JD)
to := math.Sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z)
return to
func SaturnSeeLo(JD float64) float64 {
x, y, z := ASaturnXYZ(JD)
to := 0.0057755183 * math.Sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z)
x, y, z = ASaturnXYZ(JD - to)
lo := math.Atan2(y, x)
bo := math.Atan2(z, math.Sqrt(x*x+y*y))
lo = lo * 180 / math.Pi
bo = bo * 180 / math.Pi
lo = Limit360(lo)
lo += HJZD(JD)
return lo
func SaturnSeeBo(JD float64) float64 {
x, y, z := ASaturnXYZ(JD)
to := 0.0057755183 * math.Sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z)
x, y, z = ASaturnXYZ(JD - to)
//lo := math.Atan2(y, x)
bo := math.Atan2(z, math.Sqrt(x*x+y*y))
//lo = lo * 180 / math.Pi
bo = bo * 180 / math.Pi
return bo
func SaturnSeeLoBo(JD float64) (float64, float64) {
x, y, z := ASaturnXYZ(JD)
to := 0.0057755183 * math.Sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z)
x, y, z = ASaturnXYZ(JD - to)
lo := math.Atan2(y, x)
bo := math.Atan2(z, math.Sqrt(x*x+y*y))
lo = lo * 180 / math.Pi
bo = bo * 180 / math.Pi
lo = Limit360(lo)
lo += HJZD(JD)
return lo, bo
func SaturnMag(JD float64) float64 {
AwaySun := SaturnR(JD)
AwayEarth := EarthSaturnAway(JD)
Away := planet.WherePlanet(-1, 2, JD)
i := (AwaySun*AwaySun + AwayEarth*AwayEarth - Away*Away) / (2 * AwaySun * AwayEarth)
i = ArcCos(i)
Mag := -8.68 + 5*math.Log10(AwaySun*AwayEarth) + 0.044*i - 2.6*Sin(math.Abs(SaturnRingB(JD))) + 1.25*Sin(math.Abs(SaturnRingB(JD)))*Sin(math.Abs(SaturnRingB(JD)))
return FloatRound(Mag, 2)
func SaturnRingB(JD float64) float64 {
T := (JD - 2451545) / 36525
i := 28.075216 - 0.012998*T + 0.000004*T*T
omi := 169.508470 + 1.394681*T + 0.000412*T*T
lo, bo := SaturnSeeLoBo(JD)
B := Sin(i)*Cos(bo)*Sin(lo-omi) - Cos(i)*Cos(bo)
return ArcSin(B)