2003-04-25 19:06:19 +00:00

104 lines
3.3 KiB

man page update (document stralloc return values)
add stralloc_chop and stralloc_chomp
add buffer_putsa, buffer_get_token_sa and buffer_getline_sa
extended uudecode test. See comment at top for details.
fix #include in ndelay*.3 (Hynek Schlawack)
add stralloc_diff and stralloc_diffs (my invention)
scan_ip6 returned 1 for "::" (Uwe Ohse)
add el-cheapo MIME decoding to test/uudecode
make install forgot to install ndelay.h
fix typos in several man pages (Hynek Schlawack)
add stralloc versions of textcode API (Kai Ruemmler)
add html to textcode ('<' to '&lt;' etc)
add fmt_human and fmt_humank (format numbers ala ls -H/-h)
avoid bus errors in byte_copy
byte_rchr was completely broken
add case, iopause, tai, taia, openreadclose and ipv6-enhanced dns
fixed several bugs in test/uudecode.c
add uninstall target
add uint16_read API like the uint32_read one
add buffer_putnlflush
lots of general clean-ups from Jukka Zitting:
add FMT_LONG to fmt.h (FMT_ULONG plus 1 for sign)
fmt_strn did not work for out==NULL
fix inconsistencies in man pages
make scan_urlencode do the '+' -> ' ' transformation
add textcode api for uuencode/uudecode, base64, quoted printable,
url-encoding and yenc.
fix fmt_long (didn't count the '-'), which in turn broke
referenced wrong include file in stralloc_ready and stralloc_readyplus
man page.
add comment to stralloc.h that explains the structure (Markus Brischke)
fix socket routines (two cut-and-paste errors)
fmt_str did not check for out==NULL! Thanks, Uwe Ohse.
Updated to buffer to fix read buffers. Thanks, David Lichteblau.
Oops! byte_copy had a trivial and dumb typo in it that I'm unsure how
I could have missed it.
add mmap man pages.
update and add socket man pages.
don't include str.h from fmt.h
document error signalling for the mmap functions.
BSD compatibility.
fix mmap_shared.
add buffer_putspace
fix b0read prototype in buffer/buffer_0*
scan_ip6 will not transparently scan IPv4 addresses and save them as
v4-mapped addresses (::ffff:
byte_copy was sped up (but made larger in the process)
changed name to libowfat.
fixed fmt_ulong (did not output 0 correctly).
added buffer.
extended buffer API to include buffer_putulong() and friends.
oops, the read buffering was completely broken!
add mmap library (idea from Ingo Oeser)
made subdirectories for the different libraries.
moved the sources into the corresponding subdirectory.
imported my man pages from libdjb.
removed fmt_int.c and fmt_uint.c (they are macros in fmt.h).
corrected comment in open.h for open_excl.
wrote new man pages for fmt_double, scan_double, the sign fmt_ and
scan_ routines, the whitespace and charset scan_ routines, and the
str and stralloc routines.
implemented stralloc.
implemented uint16, uint32 and uint64. The header files try to
define shortcut endianness conversion routines that do not convert
implemented open (I hope I got open_excl right, I couldn't find an
implemented the scan, fmt and str interfaces.
added adapted fmt_double and scan_double from diet libc.
initial release.
implemented the byte interface.