.TH socket_accept6_makenonblocking 3 .SH NAME socket_accept6_makenonblocking \- accept an IPv6 TCP connection on a socket .SH SYNTAX .B #include int \fBsocket_accept6_makenonblocking\fP(int \fIs\fR,char \fIip\fR[16],uint16 *\fIport\fR,uint32 *\fIscope_id\fR); .SH DESCRIPTION This is functionally equivalent to calling \fIsocket_accept4\fR and then calling \fIndelay_on\fR on the returned socket. However, if may save a syscall or two and in the process avoid a race condition. .SH EXAMPLE #include int \fIs\fR; char \fIip\fR[16]; uint16 \fIport\fR; uint32 \fIscope_id\fR; \fIs\fR = socket_tcp6(); socket_bind6(s,ip,port,scope_id); socket_listen(s,16); socket_accept6_makenonblocking(s,ip,&port,&scope_id); .SH "SEE ALSO" socket_accept6(3), socket_connected(3), socket_accept4_makenonblocking(3), socket_accept6_setcloseonexec(3), socket_accept6_makenonblocking_setcloseonexec(3)