.TH cdb_successor 3 .SH NAME cdb_successor \- find next record .SH SYNTAX .B #include int cdb_successor(struct cdb *\fIc\fR, char *\fIkey\fR, size_t \fIklen\fR); .SH DESCRIPTION \fBcdb_successor\fR finds the record that follows \fIkey\fR. If \fIkey\fR is NULL, cdb_successor finds the first record. \fBNOTE!\fR The database must not contain keys with more than one associated record or this API will lead to infinite loops! Use cdb_firstkey and cdb_nextkey instead. You can use cdb_datapos or cdb_keypos to get \fIposition\fR and cdb_datalen and cdb_keylen to get \fIlen\fR. .SH "SEE ALSO" cdb_firstkey(3), cdb_nextkey(3)