.TH mmap_read 3 .SH NAME mmap_read \- memory map a file for reading .SH SYNTAX .B #include const char* \fBmmap_read\fP(const char* \fIfilename\fR,size_t* \fIfilesize\fR); .SH DESCRIPTION mmap_read opens \fIfilename\fR for reading, maps the whole file into memory, closes the file, writes the length of the file to \fIfilesize\fR and returns a pointer to the mapped file. The file is unmapped by the operating system if the process terminates. It can also be manually unmapped by calling \fBmunmap\fR from . If the file could not be opened or mapped, (void*)0 is returned. .SH "SEE ALSO" mmap_unmap(3), mmap_private(3), mmap_readat(3), mmap_shared(3)