.TH bs_capacityassert 3 .SH NAME bs_capacityassert \- assert that there are least n bytes left in the stream .SH SYNTAX .B #include int \fBbs_capacityassert\fR(struct bytestream* &\fIbs\fR, size_t \fIcapacity\fR); .SH DESCRIPTION bs_capacityassert will check that there are at least this many bytes in the bytestream. If there are not, it will set the bytestream to the error state and return 0; otherwise it will return 1. Note that this compares against the limits of the bytestream, not the actual length. These are often the same, but bytestreams can be tied to a buffer*, in which case the actual length of the stream is not known beforehand. Even if bs_capacityassert returns successful, the following actual reads could still run into an error. bs_capacitycheck does the same thing but does not set the bytestream to the error state if there is not enough space. Us bs_capacityleft to find out how many bytes are left in the bytestream. bs_nomoredataassert is the inverse assertion. Use bs_err to find out whether the bytestream is in the error state. .SH "SEE ALSO" bs_init_membuf(3), bs_init_iobuf(3), bs_init_iobuf_size(3), bs_init_membuf(3), bs_capacitycheck(3), bs_capacityleft(3), bs_err(3), bs_nomoredataassert(3)