#include "fmt.h" #include "scan.h" #include "str.h" #include "uint16.h" #include "uint32.h" #include "stralloc.h" #include "socket.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "ip4.h" #include "ip6.h" #include "mmap.h" #include "open.h" #include "byte.h" #include "textcode.h" #include "dns.h" #include "case.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "errmsg.h" #include "iob.h" #include "safemult.h" #include "iarray.h" #include "critbit.h" #include #include "compiletimeassert.h" #include "parse.h" #include "CAS.h" #include "io_internal.h" #define rdtscl(low) \ __asm__ __volatile__ ("lfence\nrdtsc" : "=a" (low) : : "edx") // #define atomic_add(mem,val) asm volatile ("lock; add%z0 %1, %0": "+m" (mem): "ir" (val)) // compiletimeassert(sizeof(long) == 2); int64 writecb(int64 fd,const void* buf,uint64 n) { (void)fd; (void)buf; (void)n; #if 0 int r; int todo=n>=65536?65536:n; r=write(fd,buf,todo); if (r==-1 && r!=EAGAIN) r=-3; return r; #endif return -1; } int ret0(const char* s,void* foo) { (void)foo; assert(strcmp(s,"fnord")==0); return 0; } int ret1(const char* s,void* foo) { static int i; (void)foo; switch (i) { case 0: assert(strcmp(s,"fnord")==0); break; case 1: assert(strcmp(s,"fnord2")==0); break; default: return -1; } ++i; return 1; } int main(int argc,char* argv[]) { (void)argc; (void)argv; int64 pfd[2]; size_t i; io_socketpair(pfd); io_fd(pfd[0]); io_fd(pfd[1]); io_batch* b = iob_new(1024); // first write 1024 blocks (to activate the splitting code path) for (i=0; i<1024; ++i) { if ((i%50) == 0) { static char c = 0; char* s = alloca(1); *s = c; iob_addbuf(b, s, 1); ++c; } else iob_addbuf(b, "a", 1); } assert(iob_send(pfd[0], b) == 1024); { char buf[1024]; assert(read(pfd[1], buf, 1024) == 1024); // drain the pipe } char boilerplate[]="Call me Ishmael. Some years ago—never mind how long precisely—having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world. It is a way I have of driving off the spleen and regulating the circulation. Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically knocking people’s hats off—then, I account it high time tozz get to sea as soon as I can. This is my substitute for pistol and ball. With a philosophical flourish Cato throws himself upon his sword; I quietly take to the ship. There is nothing surprising in this. If they but knew it, almost all men in their degree, some time or other, cherish very nearly the same feelings towards the ocean with me."; // now try setting the socket to non-blocking and write more than // fits, to check proper return value io_nonblock(pfd[0]); size_t total=0; for (i=0; i<1024; ++i) { if ((i%50) == 0) { static char c = 0; char* s = alloca(1); *s = c; iob_addbuf(b, s, 1); total += 1; ++c; } else { iob_addbuf(b, boilerplate, strlen(boilerplate)); total += strlen(boilerplate); } } io_wantwrite(pfd[0]); io_wantread(pfd[1]); size_t totalread = 0; size_t totalwrite = 0; for (;;) { io_wait(); int fd; while ((fd = io_canwrite()) != -1) { // printf("write event on fd %d\n", fd); long r = iob_send(pfd[0], b); if (r > 0) totalwrite += r; if (r == 0) io_dontwantwrite(pfd[0]); printf("r = %ld (sum written %zu, total back size %zu)\n", r, totalwrite, total); } while ((fd = io_canread()) != -1) { char buf[1024]; ssize_t r = read(fd, buf, sizeof buf); if (r > 0) totalread += r; if (r < (ssize_t)sizeof buf) io_eagain(fd); if (r == 0 || totalread == total) { printf("read %zu bytes total\n", totalread); return totalread == total; } } } #if 0 char buf[10]; buf[fmt_cescape(buf,"\003foo\xc0",5)]=0; puts(buf); #endif #if 0 struct bytestream bs1 = BS_FROM_MEMBUF("fnord", 5); struct bytestream bs2 = BS_FROM_BUFFER(buffer_0); #endif #if 0 compiletimeassert(sizeof(char) < sizeof(int)); io_wait(); #endif #if 0 char buf[1024]; size_t n; scan_base64("eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLA0KICJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9",buf,&n); write(1,buf,n); write(1,"\n",1); scan_base64("eyJpc3MiOiJqb2UiLA0KICJleHAiOjEzMDA4MTkzODAsDQogImh0dHA6Ly9leGFtcGxlLmNvbS9pc19yb290Ijp0cnVlfQ",buf,&n); write(1,buf,n); write(1,"\n",1); #endif #if 0 int s=socket_udp6(); #endif #if 0 char buf[100]; assert(fmt_varint(buf,1)==1 && buf[0]==1); fmt_varint(buf,300); assert(fmt_varint(buf,300)==2 && buf[0]==(char)0xac && buf[1]==0x02); #endif #if 0 const char buf[]="fnord\n"; buffer_puts(buffer_1,buf); strcpy((char*)buf,"foo\n"); buffer_puts(buffer_1,buf); buffer_puts(buffer_1,"bar\n"); buffer_flush(buffer_1); #endif #if 0 static critbit0_tree t; assert(critbit0_insert(&t,"fnord")==2); assert(critbit0_insert(&t,"fnord2")==2); assert(critbit0_insert(&t,"fnord2")==1); assert(critbit0_contains(&t,"foo")==0); assert(critbit0_contains(&t,"fnord")==1); assert(critbit0_allprefixed(&t,"fnord",ret1,NULL)==1); assert(critbit0_allprefixed(&t,"fnord",ret0,NULL)==0); assert(critbit0_delete(&t,"fnord2")==1); assert(critbit0_delete(&t,"foo")==0); #endif #if 0 int s = socket_tcp6(); #endif #if 0 iarray i; iarray_init(&i,sizeof(size_t)); printf("%p\n",iarray_get(&i,0)); printf("%p\n",iarray_allocate(&i,0)); printf("%p\n",iarray_allocate(&i,0)); printf("%p\n",iarray_get(&i,0)); #endif #if 0 char buf[1024]; size_t l; unsigned char c; (void)writecb; (void)argc; (void)argv; (void)c; assert(fmt_jsonescape(buf,"foo\nbar\\",8)==10 && byte_equal(buf,10,"foo\\nbar\\\\")); memset(buf,0,sizeof(buf)); assert(scan_jsonescape("foo\\u000abar\\\\",buf,&l)==14 && l==8 && byte_equal(buf,8,"foo\nbar\\")); memset(buf,0,sizeof(buf)); /* example from the json spec: G clef U+1D11E encoded using UTF-16 surrogates*/ assert(scan_jsonescape("\\uD834\\uDD1Exyz",buf,&l)==15 && l==7 && byte_equal(buf,7,"\xf0\x9d\x84\x9exyz")); /* 1D11E -> 0001 1101 0001 0001 1110 -> ______00 __011101 __000100 __011110 as utf8: 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 11110000 10011101 10000100 10011110 f 0 9 d 8 4 9 e */ #endif #if 0 static size_t x; x=23; atomic_add(&x,3); printf("%u\n",x); printf("%u\n",atomic_add_return(&x,-3)); printf("%u\n",compare_and_swap(&x,26,17)); printf("%u\n",compare_and_swap(&x,23,17)); #endif #if 0 atomic_add(&x,3); printf("%u\n",x); x=23; atomic_add(&x,3); assert(x==26); atomic_or(&x,1); assert(x==27); atomic_and(&x,-2); assert(x==26); #endif #if 0 iarray a; char* c; iarray_init(&a,sizeof(io_entry)); printf("15 -> %p\n",c=iarray_allocate(&a,15)); printf("23 -> %p\n",c=iarray_allocate(&a,23)); printf("1234567 -> %p\n",c=iarray_allocate(&a,1234567)); printf("23 -> %p\n",iarray_get(&a,23)); #endif #if 0 io_batch* b=iob_new(1234); int64 fd=open("t.c",0); iob_addbuf(b,"fnord",5); iob_addfile_close(b,fd,0,7365); iob_write(1,b,writecb); #endif #if 0 char dest[1024]; unsigned long len; scan_urlencoded2("libstdc++.tar.gz",dest,&len); buffer_putmflush(buffer_1,dest,"\n"); #endif #if 0 static stralloc sa; stralloc_copym(&sa,"foo ","bar ","baz.\n"); write(1,sa.s,sa.len); #endif #if 0 buffer_putmflush(buffer_1,"foo ","bar ","baz.\n"); #endif #if 0 char* c="fnord"; int fd=open_read(c); errmsg_iam(argv[0]); carp("could not open file `",c,"'"); diesys(23,"could not open file `",c,"'"); #endif #if 0 errmsg_warn("could not open file `",c,"'",0); errmsg_warnsys("could not open file `",c,"'",0); #endif #if 0 char buf[100]="/usr/bin/sh"; int len=str_len(buf); assert(byte_rchr(buf,len,'/')==8); assert(byte_rchr(buf,len,'@')==len); assert(byte_rchr(buf,len,'h')==len-1); printf("%d\n",byte_rchr("x",1,'x')); #endif #if 0 char buf[IP6_FMT+100]; int i; char ip[16]; uint32 scope_id; char* s="fec0::1:220:e0ff:fe69:ad92%eth0/64"; char blubip[16]="\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\xff\xff\x7f\0\0\001"; i=scan_ip6if(s,ip,&scope_id); assert(s[i]=='/'); buffer_put(buffer_1,buf,fmt_ip6if(buf,ip,scope_id)); buffer_putnlflush(buffer_1); buffer_put(buffer_1,buf,fmt_ip6ifc(buf,blubip,scope_id)); buffer_putnlflush(buffer_1); scan_ip6("2001:7d0:0:f015:0:0:0:1",ip); buffer_put(buffer_1,buf,fmt_ip6(buf,ip)); buffer_putnlflush(buffer_1); #endif #if 0 char buf[100]; int i; printf("%d\n",i=fmt_pad(buf,"fnord",5,7,10)); buf[i]=0; puts(buf); #endif #if 0 char ip[16]; char buf[32]; printf("%d (expect 2)\n",scan_ip6("::",ip)); printf("%d (expect 3)\n",scan_ip6("::1",ip)); printf("%d (expect 16)\n",scan_ip6("fec0:0:0:ffff::1/0",ip)); printf("%.*s\n",fmt_ip6(buf,ip),buf); #endif #if 0 static stralloc s,t; stralloc_copys(&s,"fnord"); stralloc_copys(&t,"abc"); printf("%d\n",stralloc_diff(&s,&t)); stralloc_copys(&t,"fnor"); printf("%d\n",stralloc_diff(&s,&t)); stralloc_copys(&t,"fnord"); printf("%d\n",stralloc_diff(&s,&t)); stralloc_copys(&t,"fnordh"); printf("%d\n",stralloc_diff(&s,&t)); stralloc_copys(&t,"hausen"); printf("%d\n",stralloc_diff(&s,&t)); #endif #if 0 static stralloc s; stralloc_copys(&s,"fnord"); printf("%d\n",stralloc_diffs(&s,"abc")); printf("%d\n",stralloc_diffs(&s,"fnor")); printf("%d\n",stralloc_diffs(&s,"fnord")); printf("%d\n",stralloc_diffs(&s,"fnordh")); printf("%d\n",stralloc_diffs(&s,"hausen")); #endif #if 0 printf("%d\n",case_starts("fnordhausen","FnOrD")); printf("%d\n",case_starts("fnordhausen","blah")); #endif #if 0 char buf[]="FnOrD"; case_lowers(buf); puts(buf); #endif #if 0 char buf[100]="foo bar baz"; printf("%d (expect 7)\n",byte_rchr(buf,11,' ')); #endif #if 0 unsigned long size; char* buf=mmap_read(argv[1],&size); if (buf) { unsigned int x=fmt_yenc(0,buf,size); unsigned int y; char* tmp=malloc(x+1); y=fmt_yenc(tmp,buf,size); write(1,tmp,x); } #endif #if 0 char buf[100]; char buf2[100]; unsigned int len,len2; buf[fmt_yenc(buf,"http://localhost/~fefe",22)]=0; buffer_puts(buffer_1,buf); buffer_putsflush(buffer_1,"\n"); if ((buf[len2=scan_yenc(buf,buf2,&len)])!='\n') { buffer_putsflush(buffer_2,"parse error!\n"); return 1; } buffer_put(buffer_1,buf2,len2); buffer_putsflush(buffer_1,"\n"); return 0; #endif #if 0 char buf[100]; char buf2[100]; unsigned int len,len2; buf[fmt_base64(buf,"foo:bar",7)]=0; buffer_puts(buffer_1,buf); buffer_putsflush(buffer_1,"\n"); if ((buf[len2=scan_base64(buf,buf2,&len)])!=0) { buffer_putsflush(buffer_2,"parse error!\n"); return 1; } buffer_put(buffer_1,buf2,len2); buffer_putsflush(buffer_1,"\n"); return 0; #endif #if 0 unsigned long size; char* buf=mmap_read(argv[1],&size); if (buf) { unsigned int x=fmt_uuencoded(0,buf,size); unsigned int y; char* tmp=malloc(x+1); y=fmt_uuencoded(tmp,buf,size); write(1,tmp,x); } #endif #if 0 char buf[]="00000000000000000000000000000001"; char ip[16]; if (scan_ip6_flat(buf,ip) != str_len(buf)) buffer_putsflush(buffer_2,"parse error!\n"); #endif #if 0 int fd=open_read("t.c"); buffer b; char buf[1024]; char line[20]; int i; buffer_init(&b,read,fd,buf,1024); i=buffer_getline(&b,line,19); buffer_puts(buffer_1,"getline returned "); buffer_putulong(buffer_1,i); buffer_puts(buffer_1,"\n"); buffer_puts(buffer_1,line); buffer_flush(buffer_1); #endif #if 0 buffer_putulong(buffer_1,23); // buffer_putspace(buffer_1); buffer_putsflush(buffer_1,"\n"); // buffer_flush(buffer_1); #endif #if 0 long a,b,c; char buf[4096]; char buf2[4096]; memcpy(buf,buf2,4096); byte_copy(buf,4096,buf2); rdtscl(a); memcpy(buf,buf2,4096); rdtscl(b); byte_copy(buf,4096,buf2); rdtscl(c); printf("memcpy: %d - byte_copy: %d\n",b-a,c-b); #endif #if 0 char ip[16]; int i; if ((i=scan_ip6(argv[1],ip))) { char buf[128]; buf[fmt_ip6(buf,ip)]=0; puts(buf); } #endif #if 0 char buf[100]; strcpy(buf,"foobarbaz"); buf[fmt_fill(buf,3,5,100)]=0; printf("\"%s\"\n",buf); #endif #if 0 unsigned long len; char *c=mmap_read("/etc/passwd",&len); printf("got map %p of len %lu\n",c,len); #endif #if 0 char c; printf("%d\n",buffer_getc(buffer_0,&c)); printf("%c\n",c); #endif #if 0 char buf[100]="01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789"; long a,b,c; #endif #if 0 buf[ip4_fmt(buf,ip4loopback)]=0; buffer_puts(buffer_1small,buf); buffer_flush(buffer_1small); #endif #if 0 buf[0]=0; buf[fmt_8long(buf,0)]=0; puts(buf); rdtscl(a); c=str_len(buf); rdtscl(b); /*byte_zero_djb(buf,j); */ // printf("\n%lu %d\n",b-a,c); #endif #if 0 buffer_puts(buffer_1small,"hello, world\n"); buffer_flush(buffer_1small); #endif #if 0 int s=socket_tcp4(); char ip[4]={127,0,0,1}; int t=socket_connect4(s,ip,80); #endif #if 0 char buf[100]="foo bar baz fnord "; char buf2[100]="foo braz fnord"; long a,b,c; long i=0,j=0,k=0; double d; uint32 l,m,n; stralloc sa={0}; stralloc_copys(&sa,"fnord"); stralloc_catlong0(&sa,-23,5); stralloc_append(&sa,"\n"); printf("%d %d\n",str_equal("fnord","fnord1"),str_equal("fnord1","fnord")); write(1,sa.s,sa.len); printf("%d %d\n",stralloc_starts(&sa,"fnord"),stralloc_starts(&sa,"fnord\na")); l=0xdeadbeef; uint32_pack_big((char*)&m,l); uint32_unpack_big((char*)&m,&n); printf("%x %x %x\n",l,m,n); rdtscl(a); /* i=scan_double("3.1415",&d); */ rdtscl(b); /*byte_zero_djb(buf,j); */ rdtscl(c); printf("%lu %lu\n",b-a,c-b); #endif #if 0 size_t size; char* buf=mmap_read(argv[1],&size); if (buf) { unsigned int x=fmt_urlencoded2(0,buf,size,"x"); unsigned int y; char* tmp=malloc(x+1); y=fmt_urlencoded2(tmp,buf,size,"x"); write(1,tmp,x); } #endif #if 0 printf("%d %d\n",strcmp("foo","bar"),str_diff("foo","bar")); printf("%d %d\n",strcmp("foo","\xfcar"),str_diff("foo","\xfcar")); #endif #if 0 { int16 a; int32 b; int64 c; assert(imult16(4,10000,&a)==0); assert(imult16(-4,10000,&a)==0); assert(imult16(5,10,&a)==1 && a==50); assert(imult16(-3,10000,&a)==1 && a==-30000); assert(imult32(0x40000000,2,&b)==0); assert(imult32(0x3fffffff,2,&b)==1 && b==0x7ffffffe); assert(imult64(0x4000000000000000ll,2,&c)==0); assert(imult64(0x3fffffffffffffffll,2,&c)==1 && c==0x7ffffffffffffffell); } #endif #if 0 stralloc a; printf("%d\n",stralloc_copym(&a,"fnord",", ","foo")); #endif return 0; }