auto-generate compile_commands.json for clangd / vim ale

remove Makefile generation rules when generating Makefile
make sure compile_commands.json can generate with Makefile too, not just with GNUmakefile
This commit is contained in:
leitner 2023-03-22 15:56:38 +00:00
parent ee44f1a430
commit 2a5c8dc352
5 changed files with 556 additions and 23 deletions

View File

@ -28,3 +28,5 @@ entities.h

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ LIBS=byte.a fmt.a scan.a str.a uint.a open.a stralloc.a unix.a socket.a \
buffer.a mmap.a taia.a tai.a dns.a case.a mult.a array.a io.a \
textcode.a cdb.a critbit.a
all: ent $(LIBS) libowfat.a libsocket t
all: ent $(LIBS) libowfat.a libsocket t compile_commands.json
pic pie:
$(MAKE) CC="gcc -fPIC" LDFLAGS="-fpie"
@ -1184,7 +1184,7 @@ clean:
havesl.h haveinline.h iopause.h select.h havekqueue.h haveepoll.h \
libepoll havesigio.h havebsdsf.h havesendfile.h havescope.h havedevpoll.h \
dep libsocket havealloca.h haveuint128.h entities.h ent havepread.h haveaccept4.h \
*.gcda *.gcno
*.gcda *.gcno compile_commands.json
rm -rf libowfat
INCLUDES=buffer.h byte.h fmt.h ip4.h ip6.h mmap.h scan.h socket.h str.h stralloc.h \
@ -1227,7 +1227,7 @@ uninstall:
VERSION=libowfat-$(shell head -n 1 CHANGES|sed 's/://')
CURNAME=$(notdir $(shell pwd))
tar: Makefile clean rename
tar: Makefile clean rename compile_commands.json
rm -f dep libdep
cd ..; tar cvvf $(VERSION).tar.xz --use=xz --exclude CVS $(VERSION)
@ -1355,6 +1355,7 @@ dns_nd6.o fmt_xlong.o scan_xlong.o fmt_ip6_flat.o $(TEXTCODE_OBJS): haveinline.h
iob_send.o scan_ip6if.o: havealloca.h
dep: haveip6.h haven2i.h havesl.h haveinline.h iopause.h select.h haveepoll.h havekqueue.h havedevpoll.h havescope.h havesigio.h havebsdsf.h havesendfile.h havealloca.h haveuint128.h entities.h havepread.h haveaccept4.h
$(CC) -I. -MM `ls */*.c | grep -v test` t.c | sed -e 's@ \./@ @g' > dep
@ -1366,9 +1367,11 @@ Makefile: GNUmakefile dep libdep
sed '/startrip/,$$d' < GNUmakefile >> $@
cat dep libdep >> $@
sed -e '1,/stoprip/d' -e 's/ %.c$$//' \
-e '/^#cutstart/,/^#cutend/d' \
-e 's/ Makefile//' < GNUmakefile >> $@
$(MAKE) DIET= CROSS=i686-mingw32-
@ -1407,3 +1410,14 @@ check2: haveuint128.h haveinline.h entities.h
for i in $(UNITTESTS); do $(CC) -Wall -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -g -o t -DUNITTEST $$i -I. $(LDFLAGS) && ./t || echo FAIL $$i ; done
check: haveuint128.h haveinline.h $(TESTS)
srcdirs=$(subst :, ,$(VPATH))
srcfiles=$(foreach dir,$(srcdirs),$(wildcard $(dir)/*.c))
compile_commands.json.tmpl: json
./json $(srcfiles) > $@
# for i in $(ALL_OBJS); do foo="{ \"directory\": \".\", \"file\": \"
# echo "[ > $@
compile_commands.json: compile_commands.json.tmpl
sed -e 's#"@"#"$(PWD)"#' < $< > $@

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ LIBS=byte.a fmt.a scan.a str.a uint.a open.a stralloc.a unix.a socket.a \
buffer.a mmap.a taia.a tai.a dns.a case.a mult.a array.a io.a \
textcode.a cdb.a critbit.a
all: ent $(LIBS) libowfat.a libsocket t
all: ent $(LIBS) libowfat.a libsocket t compile_commands.json
pic pie:
$(MAKE) CC="gcc -fPIC" LDFLAGS="-fpie"
@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ t.o: t.c fmt.h libowfat/byte.h libowfat/compiler.h scan.h str.h uint16.h \
havedevpoll.h havesigio.h
BYTE_OBJS=byte_chr.o byte_copy.o byte_copyr.o byte_diff.o byte_equal_notimingattack.o byte_rchr.o byte_zero.o
FMT_OBJS=fmt_8long.o fmt_8longlong.o fmt_asn1derlength.o fmt_asn1dertag.o fmt_double.o fmt_escapecharc.o fmt_escapecharhtml.o fmt_escapecharjson.o fmt_escapecharquotedprintable.o fmt_escapecharquotedprintableutf8.o fmt_escapecharxml.o fmt_fill.o fmt_httpdate.o fmt_human.o fmt_humank.o fmt_iso8601.o fmt_long.o fmt_longlong.o fmt_minus.o fmt_netstring.o fmt_pad.o fmt_pb_double.o fmt_pb_float.o fmt_pb_int.o fmt_pb_sint.o fmt_pb_string.o fmt_pb_tag.o fmt_pb_type0_sint.o fmt_pb_type1_double.o fmt_pb_type1_fixed64.o fmt_pb_type2_string.o fmt_pb_type5_fixed32.o fmt_pb_type5_float.o fmt_plusminus.o fmt_str.o fmt_strm_internal.o fmt_strn.o fmt_tohex.o fmt_ulong.o fmt_ulong0.o fmt_ulonglong.o fmt_utf8.o fmt_varint.o fmt_xlong.o fmt_xlonglong.o fmt_xmlescape.o
SCAN_OBJS=scan_8int.o scan_8long.o scan_8longlong.o scan_8longn.o scan_8short.o scan_asn1derlength.o scan_asn1dertag.o scan_charsetnskip.o scan_double.o scan_fromhex.o scan_httpdate.o scan_int.o scan_iso8601.o scan_long.o scan_longlong.o scan_longn.o scan_netstring.o scan_noncharsetnskip.o scan_nonwhitenskip.o scan_pb_tag.o scan_pb_type0_sint.o scan_pb_type1_double.o scan_pb_type1_fixed64.o scan_pb_type2_stringlen.o scan_pb_type5_fixed32.o scan_pb_type5_float.o scan_plusminus.o scan_short.o scan_uint.o scan_ulong.o scan_ulonglong.o scan_ulongn.o scan_ushort.o scan_utf8.o scan_varint.o scan_whitenskip.o scan_xint.o scan_xlong.o scan_xlonglong.o scan_xlongn.o scan_xshort.o
SCAN_OBJS=scan_8int.o scan_8long.o scan_8longlong.o scan_8longn.o scan_8short.o scan_asn1derlength.o scan_asn1dertag.o scan_charsetnskip.o scan_double.o scan_fromhex.o scan_httpdate.o scan_int.o scan_iso8601.o scan_long.o scan_longlong.o scan_longn.o scan_netstring.o scan_noncharsetnskip.o scan_nonwhitenskip.o scan_pb_tag.o scan_pb_type0_sint.o scan_pb_type1_double.o scan_pb_type1_fixed64.o scan_pb_type2_stringlen.o scan_pb_type5_fixed32.o scan_pb_type5_float.o scan_plusminus.o scan_short.o scan_uint.o scan_ulong.o scan_ulonglong.o scan_ulongn.o scan_ushort.o scan_utf8.o scan_utf8_sem.o scan_varint.o scan_whitenskip.o scan_xint.o scan_xlong.o scan_xlonglong.o scan_xlongn.o scan_xshort.o
STR_OBJS=str_chr.o str_copy.o str_diff.o str_diffn.o str_len.o str_rchr.o str_start.o
UINT_OBJS=uint16_pack.o uint16_pack_big.o uint16_read.o uint16_read_big.o uint16_unpack.o uint16_unpack_big.o uint32_pack.o uint32_pack_big.o uint32_read.o uint32_read_big.o uint32_unpack.o uint32_unpack_big.o uint64_pack.o uint64_pack_big.o uint64_read.o uint64_read_big.o uint64_unpack.o uint64_unpack_big.o
OPEN_OBJS=open_append.o open_excl.o open_read.o open_rw.o open_trunc.o open_write.o openreadclose.o readclose.o
@ -1080,7 +1080,7 @@ DNS_OBJS=dns_dfd.o dns_domain.o dns_dtda.o dns_ip.o dns_ip6.o dns_ipq.o dns_ipq6
CASE_OBJS=case_diffb.o case_diffs.o case_lowerb.o case_lowers.o case_starts.o
MULT_OBJS=imult16.o imult32.o imult64.o range_arrayinbuf.o range_str2inbuf.o range_str4inbuf.o range_strinbuf.o umult16.o umult32.o umult64.o
ARRAY_OBJS=array_allocate.o array_bytes.o array_cat.o array_cat0.o array_catb.o array_cate.o array_cats.o array_cats0.o array_equal.o array_fail.o array_get.o array_length.o array_reset.o array_start.o array_trunc.o array_truncate.o iarray_allocate.o iarray_free.o iarray_get.o iarray_init.o iarray_length.o
IO_OBJS=io_appendfile.o io_block.o io_canread.o io_canwrite.o io_check.o io_close.o io_closeonexec.o io_createfile.o io_debugstring.o io_dontwantread.o io_dontwantwrite.o io_eagain.o io_eagain_read.o io_eagain_write.o io_fd.o io_finishandshutdown.o io_getcookie.o io_mmapwritefile.o io_nonblock.o io_passfd.o io_pipe.o io_readfile.o io_readwritefile.o io_receivefd.o io_sendfile.o io_setcookie.o io_sigpipe.o io_socketpair.o io_timedout.o io_timeout.o io_timeouted.o io_tryread.o io_tryreadtimeout.o io_trywrite.o io_trywritetimeout.o io_wait.o io_waitread.o io_waituntil.o io_waituntil2.o io_waitwrite.o io_wantread.o io_wantwrite.o iob_addbuf.o iob_addbuf_free.o iob_addbuf_internal.o iob_addbuf_munmap.o iob_addfile.o iob_addfile_close.o iob_adds.o iob_adds_free.o iob_bytesleft.o iob_free.o iob_new.o iob_prefetch.o iob_reset.o iob_send.o iob_write.o
IO_OBJS=io_appendfile.o io_block.o io_canread.o io_canwrite.o io_check.o io_close.o io_closeonexec.o io_createfile.o io_debugstring.o io_dontwantread.o io_dontwantwrite.o io_eagain.o io_eagain_read.o io_eagain_write.o io_fd.o io_finishandshutdown.o io_getcookie.o io_mmapwritefile.o io_nonblock.o io_passfd.o io_pipe.o io_readfile.o io_readwritefile.o io_receivefd.o io_sendfile.o io_setcookie.o io_sigpipe.o io_socketpair.o io_timedout.o io_timeout.o io_timeouted.o io_tryread.o io_tryreadtimeout.o io_trywrite.o io_trywritetimeout.o io_wait.o io_waitread.o io_waituntil.o io_waituntil2.o io_waitwrite.o io_wantread.o io_wantwrite.o iob_addbuf.o iob_addbuf_free.o iob_addbuf_internal.o iob_addbuf_munmap.o iob_addfile.o iob_addfile_close.o iob_adds.o iob_adds_free.o iob_bytesleft.o iob_free.o iob_new.o iob_prefetch.o iob_reset.o iob_send.o iob_write.o iom_abort.o iom_add.o iom_init.o iom_wait.o
TEXTCODE_OBJS=base64.o base64url.o fmt_base64.o fmt_base64url.o fmt_cescape.o fmt_foldwhitespace.o fmt_hexdump.o fmt_html.o fmt_html_tagarg.o fmt_jsonescape.o fmt_ldapescape.o fmt_ldapescape2.o fmt_quotedprintable.o fmt_to_array.o fmt_to_sa.o fmt_tofrom_array.o fmt_urlencoded.o fmt_uuencoded.o fmt_xml.o fmt_yenc.o scan_base64.o scan_base64url.o scan_cescape.o scan_hexdump.o scan_html.o scan_jsonescape.o scan_ldapescape.o scan_quotedprintable.o scan_to_array.o scan_to_sa.o scan_tofrom_array.o scan_urlencoded.o scan_uuencoded.o scan_yenc.o
CDB_OBJS=cdb.o cdb_hash.o cdb_make.o cdb_traverse.o
@ -1139,7 +1139,7 @@ clean:
havesl.h haveinline.h iopause.h select.h havekqueue.h haveepoll.h \
libepoll havesigio.h havebsdsf.h havesendfile.h havescope.h havedevpoll.h \
dep libsocket havealloca.h haveuint128.h entities.h ent havepread.h haveaccept4.h \
*.gcda *.gcno
*.gcda *.gcno compile_commands.json
rm -rf libowfat
INCLUDES=buffer.h byte.h fmt.h ip4.h ip6.h mmap.h scan.h socket.h str.h stralloc.h \
@ -1180,9 +1180,9 @@ uninstall:
rm -f $(LIBDIR)/libowfat.a
tar: clean rename
tar: clean rename compile_commands.json
rm -f dep libdep
cd ..; tar cvvf $(VERSION).tar.xz --use=xz --exclude CVS $(VERSION)
@ -1310,20 +1310,6 @@ dns_nd6.o fmt_xlong.o scan_xlong.o fmt_ip6_flat.o $(TEXTCODE_OBJS): haveinline.h
iob_send.o scan_ip6if.o: havealloca.h
dep: haveip6.h haven2i.h havesl.h haveinline.h iopause.h select.h haveepoll.h havekqueue.h havedevpoll.h havescope.h havesigio.h havebsdsf.h havesendfile.h havealloca.h haveuint128.h entities.h havepread.h haveaccept4.h
$(CC) -I. -MM `ls */*.c | grep -v test` t.c | sed -e 's@ \./@ @g' > dep
for i in $(LIBS); do (echo -n $$i|tr a-z A-Z|sed 's/.A$$/_OBJS=/'; echo $${i%.a}/*.c|sed -e 's@[^/]*/\([^.]*\)\.c@\1.o @g'); done > libdep
Makefile: GNUmakefile dep libdep
echo "# do not edit! edit GNUmakefile instead" > $@
sed '/startrip/,$$d' < GNUmakefile >> $@
cat dep libdep >> $@
sed -e '1,/stoprip/d' -e 's/ %.c$$//' \
-e 's///' < GNUmakefile >> $@
$(MAKE) DIET= CROSS=i686-mingw32-
@ -1362,3 +1348,14 @@ check2: haveuint128.h haveinline.h entities.h
for i in $(UNITTESTS); do $(CC) -Wall -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -g -o t -DUNITTEST $$i -I. $(LDFLAGS) && ./t || echo FAIL $$i ; done
check: haveuint128.h haveinline.h $(TESTS)
srcdirs=$(subst :, ,$(VPATH))
srcfiles=$(foreach dir,$(srcdirs),$(wildcard $(dir)/*.c))
compile_commands.json.tmpl: json
./json $(srcfiles) > $@
# for i in $(ALL_OBJS); do foo="{ \"directory\": \".\", \"file\": \"
# echo "[ > $@
compile_commands.json: compile_commands.json.tmpl
sed -e 's#"@"#"$(PWD)"#' < $< > $@

compile_commands.json.tmpl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
{ "directory": "@", "file": "str/str_chr.c", "output": "str_chr.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "str/str_chr.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "str/str_copy.c", "output": "str_copy.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "str/str_copy.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "str/str_diff.c", "output": "str_diff.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "str/str_diff.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "str/str_diffn.c", "output": "str_diffn.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "str/str_diffn.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "str/str_len.c", "output": "str_len.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "str/str_len.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "str/str_rchr.c", "output": "str_rchr.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "str/str_rchr.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "str/str_start.c", "output": "str_start.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "str/str_start.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "byte/byte_chr.c", "output": "byte_chr.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "byte/byte_chr.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "byte/byte_copy.c", "output": "byte_copy.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "byte/byte_copy.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "byte/byte_copyr.c", "output": "byte_copyr.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "byte/byte_copyr.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "byte/byte_diff.c", "output": "byte_diff.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "byte/byte_diff.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "byte/byte_equal_notimingattack.c", "output": "byte_equal_notimingattack.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "byte/byte_equal_notimingattack.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "byte/byte_rchr.c", "output": "byte_rchr.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "byte/byte_rchr.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "byte/byte_start.c", "output": "byte_start.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "byte/byte_start.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "byte/byte_starts.c", "output": "byte_starts.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "byte/byte_starts.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "byte/byte_zero.c", "output": "byte_zero.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "byte/byte_zero.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_8long.c", "output": "fmt_8long.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_8long.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_8longlong.c", "output": "fmt_8longlong.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_8longlong.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_asn1derlength.c", "output": "fmt_asn1derlength.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_asn1derlength.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_asn1dertag.c", "output": "fmt_asn1dertag.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_asn1dertag.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_double.c", "output": "fmt_double.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_double.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_escapecharc.c", "output": "fmt_escapecharc.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_escapecharc.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_escapecharhtml.c", "output": "fmt_escapecharhtml.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_escapecharhtml.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_escapecharjson.c", "output": "fmt_escapecharjson.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_escapecharjson.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_escapecharquotedprintable.c", "output": "fmt_escapecharquotedprintable.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_escapecharquotedprintable.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_escapecharquotedprintableutf8.c", "output": "fmt_escapecharquotedprintableutf8.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_escapecharquotedprintableutf8.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_escapecharxml.c", "output": "fmt_escapecharxml.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_escapecharxml.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_fill.c", "output": "fmt_fill.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_fill.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_httpdate.c", "output": "fmt_httpdate.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_httpdate.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_human.c", "output": "fmt_human.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_human.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_humank.c", "output": "fmt_humank.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_humank.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_iso8601.c", "output": "fmt_iso8601.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_iso8601.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_long.c", "output": "fmt_long.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_long.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_longlong.c", "output": "fmt_longlong.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_longlong.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_minus.c", "output": "fmt_minus.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_minus.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_netstring.c", "output": "fmt_netstring.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_netstring.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_pad.c", "output": "fmt_pad.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_pad.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_pb_double.c", "output": "fmt_pb_double.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_pb_double.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_pb_float.c", "output": "fmt_pb_float.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_pb_float.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_pb_int.c", "output": "fmt_pb_int.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_pb_int.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_pb_sint.c", "output": "fmt_pb_sint.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_pb_sint.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_pb_string.c", "output": "fmt_pb_string.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_pb_string.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_pb_tag.c", "output": "fmt_pb_tag.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_pb_tag.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_pb_type0_sint.c", "output": "fmt_pb_type0_sint.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_pb_type0_sint.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_pb_type1_double.c", "output": "fmt_pb_type1_double.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_pb_type1_double.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_pb_type1_fixed64.c", "output": "fmt_pb_type1_fixed64.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_pb_type1_fixed64.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_pb_type2_string.c", "output": "fmt_pb_type2_string.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_pb_type2_string.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_pb_type5_fixed32.c", "output": "fmt_pb_type5_fixed32.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_pb_type5_fixed32.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_pb_type5_float.c", "output": "fmt_pb_type5_float.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_pb_type5_float.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_plusminus.c", "output": "fmt_plusminus.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_plusminus.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_str.c", "output": "fmt_str.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_str.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_strm_internal.c", "output": "fmt_strm_internal.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_strm_internal.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_strn.c", "output": "fmt_strn.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_strn.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_tohex.c", "output": "fmt_tohex.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_tohex.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "fmt/fmt_ulong.c", "output": "fmt_ulong.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "fmt/fmt_ulong.c", "-I." ]},
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{ "directory": "@", "file": "io/io_receivefd.c", "output": "io_receivefd.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "io/io_receivefd.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "io/io_sendfile.c", "output": "io_sendfile.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "io/io_sendfile.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "io/io_setcookie.c", "output": "io_setcookie.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "io/io_setcookie.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "io/io_sigpipe.c", "output": "io_sigpipe.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "io/io_sigpipe.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "io/io_socketpair.c", "output": "io_socketpair.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "io/io_socketpair.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "io/io_timedout.c", "output": "io_timedout.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "io/io_timedout.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "io/io_timeout.c", "output": "io_timeout.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "io/io_timeout.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "io/io_timeouted.c", "output": "io_timeouted.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "io/io_timeouted.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "io/io_tryread.c", "output": "io_tryread.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "io/io_tryread.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "io/io_tryreadtimeout.c", "output": "io_tryreadtimeout.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "io/io_tryreadtimeout.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "io/io_trywrite.c", "output": "io_trywrite.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "io/io_trywrite.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "io/io_trywritetimeout.c", "output": "io_trywritetimeout.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "io/io_trywritetimeout.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "io/io_wait.c", "output": "io_wait.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "io/io_wait.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "io/io_waitread.c", "output": "io_waitread.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "io/io_waitread.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "io/io_waituntil.c", "output": "io_waituntil.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "io/io_waituntil.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "io/io_waituntil2.c", "output": "io_waituntil2.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "io/io_waituntil2.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "io/io_waitwrite.c", "output": "io_waitwrite.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "io/io_waitwrite.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "io/io_wantread.c", "output": "io_wantread.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "io/io_wantread.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "io/io_wantwrite.c", "output": "io_wantwrite.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "io/io_wantwrite.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "io/iob_addbuf.c", "output": "iob_addbuf.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "io/iob_addbuf.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "io/iob_addbuf_free.c", "output": "iob_addbuf_free.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "io/iob_addbuf_free.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "io/iob_addbuf_internal.c", "output": "iob_addbuf_internal.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "io/iob_addbuf_internal.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "io/iob_addbuf_munmap.c", "output": "iob_addbuf_munmap.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "io/iob_addbuf_munmap.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "io/iob_addfile.c", "output": "iob_addfile.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "io/iob_addfile.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "io/iob_addfile_close.c", "output": "iob_addfile_close.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "io/iob_addfile_close.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "io/iob_adds.c", "output": "iob_adds.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "io/iob_adds.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "io/iob_adds_free.c", "output": "iob_adds_free.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "io/iob_adds_free.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "io/iob_bytesleft.c", "output": "iob_bytesleft.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "io/iob_bytesleft.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "io/iob_free.c", "output": "iob_free.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "io/iob_free.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "io/iob_new.c", "output": "iob_new.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "io/iob_new.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "io/iob_prefetch.c", "output": "iob_prefetch.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "io/iob_prefetch.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "io/iob_reset.c", "output": "iob_reset.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "io/iob_reset.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "io/iob_send.c", "output": "iob_send.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "io/iob_send.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "io/iob_write.c", "output": "iob_write.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "io/iob_write.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "io/iom_abort.c", "output": "iom_abort.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "io/iom_abort.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "io/iom_add.c", "output": "iom_add.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "io/iom_add.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "io/iom_init.c", "output": "iom_init.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "io/iom_init.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "io/iom_wait.c", "output": "iom_wait.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "io/iom_wait.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "cdb/cdb.c", "output": "cdb.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "cdb/cdb.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "cdb/cdb_hash.c", "output": "cdb_hash.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "cdb/cdb_hash.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "cdb/cdb_make.c", "output": "cdb_make.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "cdb/cdb_make.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "cdb/cdb_traverse.c", "output": "cdb_traverse.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "cdb/cdb_traverse.c", "-I." ]},
{ "directory": "@", "file": "critbit/critbit.c", "output": "critbit.o", "arguments": [ "clang", "-c", "critbit/critbit.c", "-I." ]}

json.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
#include "fmt.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc,char* argv[]) {
int i;
for (i=1; i<argc; ++i) {
char* src=argv[i];
char* dst=strrchr(src,'/');
char dfn[100]; // enough for our use cases
if (dst) ++dst; else dst=src;
size_t j;
for (j=0; j<90 && dst[j]; ++j) {
if ((dfn[j]=dst[j])=='.') break;
printf("\n{ \"directory\": \"@\", \"file\": \"%s\", \"output\": \"%s\", \"arguments\": [ \"clang\", \"-c\", \"%s\", \"-I.\" ]}%s ",src,dfn,src,(i+1<argc)?",":"");