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Package mft provides functions to parse records and their attributes in an NTFS Master File Table ("MFT" for short).
Basic usage
First parse a record using mft.ParseRecord(), which parses the record header and the attribute headers. Then parse
each attribute's data individually using the various mft.Parse...() functions.
// Error handling left out for brevity
record, err := mft.ParseRecord()
attrs, err := record.FindAttributes(mft.AttributeTypeFileName)
fileName, err := mft.ParseFileName(attrs[0])
package mft
import (
var (
fileSignature = []byte{0x46, 0x49, 0x4c, 0x45}
const maxInt = int64(^uint(0) >> 1)
// A Record represents an MFT entry, excluding all technical data (such as "offset to first attribute"). The Attributes
// list only contains the attribute headers and raw data; the attribute data has to be parsed separately. When this is a
// base record, the BaseRecordReference will be zero. When it is an extension record, the BaseRecordReference points to
// the record's base record.
type Record struct {
Signature []byte
FileReference FileReference
BaseRecordReference FileReference
LogFileSequenceNumber uint64
HardLinkCount int
Flags RecordFlag
ActualSize uint32
AllocatedSize uint32
NextAttributeId int
Attributes []Attribute
// ParseRecord parses bytes into a Record after applying fixup. The data is assumed to be in Little Endian order. Only
// the attribute headers are parsed, not the actual attribute data.
func ParseRecord(b []byte) (Record, error) {
if len(b) < 42 {
return Record{}, fmt.Errorf("record data length should be at least 42 but is %d", len(b))
sig := b[:4]
if bytes.Compare(sig, fileSignature) != 0 {
return Record{}, fmt.Errorf("unknown record signature: %# x", sig)
b = binutil.Duplicate(b)
r := binutil.NewLittleEndianReader(b)
baseRecordRef, err := ParseFileReference(r.Read(0x20, 8))
if err != nil {
return Record{}, fmt.Errorf("unable to parse base record reference: %v", err)
firstAttributeOffset := int(r.Uint16(0x14))
if firstAttributeOffset < 0 || firstAttributeOffset >= len(b) {
return Record{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid first attribute offset %d (data length: %d)", firstAttributeOffset, len(b))
updateSequenceOffset := int(r.Uint16(0x04))
updateSequenceSize := int(r.Uint16(0x06))
b, err = applyFixUp(b, updateSequenceOffset, updateSequenceSize)
if err != nil {
return Record{}, fmt.Errorf("unable to apply fixup: %v", err)
attributes, err := ParseAttributes(b[firstAttributeOffset:])
if err != nil {
return Record{}, err
return Record{
Signature: binutil.Duplicate(sig),
FileReference: FileReference{RecordNumber: uint64(r.Uint32(0x2C)), SequenceNumber: r.Uint16(0x10)},
BaseRecordReference: baseRecordRef,
LogFileSequenceNumber: r.Uint64(0x08),
HardLinkCount: int(r.Uint16(0x12)),
Flags: RecordFlag(r.Uint16(0x16)),
ActualSize: r.Uint32(0x18),
AllocatedSize: r.Uint32(0x1C),
NextAttributeId: int(r.Uint16(0x28)),
Attributes: attributes,
}, nil
// A FileReference represents a reference to an MFT record. Since the FileReference in a Record is only 4 bytes, the
// RecordNumber will probably not exceed 32 bits.
type FileReference struct {
RecordNumber uint64
SequenceNumber uint16
func (f FileReference) ToUint64() uint64 {
origin := make([]byte, 8)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint16(origin, f.SequenceNumber)
origin[6] = origin[0]
origin[7] = origin[1]
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(origin, uint32(f.RecordNumber))
return binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(origin)
// ParseFileReference parses a Little Endian ordered 8-byte slice into a FileReference. The first 6 bytes indicate the
// record number, while the final 2 bytes indicate the sequence number.
func ParseFileReference(b []byte) (FileReference, error) {
if len(b) != 8 {
return FileReference{}, fmt.Errorf("expected 8 bytes but got %d", len(b))
return FileReference{
RecordNumber: binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(padTo(b[:6], 8)),
SequenceNumber: binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(b[6:]),
}, nil
// RecordFlag represents a bit mask flag indicating the status of the MFT record.
type RecordFlag uint16
// Bit values for the RecordFlag. For example, an in-use directory has value 0x0003.
const (
RecordFlagInUse RecordFlag = 0x0001
RecordFlagIsDirectory RecordFlag = 0x0002
RecordFlagInExtend RecordFlag = 0x0004
RecordFlagIsIndex RecordFlag = 0x0008
// Is checks if this RecordFlag's bit mask contains the specified flag.
func (f *RecordFlag) Is(c RecordFlag) bool {
return *f&c == c
func applyFixUp(b []byte, offset int, length int) ([]byte, error) {
r := binutil.NewLittleEndianReader(b)
updateSequence := r.Read(offset, length*2) // length is in pairs, not bytes
updateSequenceNumber := updateSequence[:2]
updateSequenceArray := updateSequence[2:]
sectorCount := len(updateSequenceArray) / 2
sectorSize := len(b) / sectorCount
for i := 1; i <= sectorCount; i++ {
offset := sectorSize*i - 2
if bytes.Compare(updateSequenceNumber, b[offset:offset+2]) != 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("update sequence mismatch at pos %d", offset)
for i := 0; i < sectorCount; i++ {
offset := sectorSize*(i+1) - 2
num := i * 2
copy(b[offset:offset+2], updateSequenceArray[num:num+2])
return b, nil
// FindAttributes returns all attributes of the specified type contained in this record. When no matches are found an
// empty slice is returned.
func (r *Record) FindAttributes(attrType AttributeType) []Attribute {
ret := make([]Attribute, 0)
for _, a := range r.Attributes {
if a.Type == attrType {
ret = append(ret, a)
return ret
// Attribute represents an MFT record attribute header and its corresponding raw attribute Data (excluding header data).
// When the attribute is Resident, the Data contains the actual attribute's data. When the attribute is non-resident,
// the Data contains DataRuns pointing to the actual data. DataRun data can be parsed using ParseDataRuns().
type Attribute struct {
Type AttributeType
Resident bool
Name string
Flags AttributeFlags
AttributeId int
AllocatedSize uint64
ActualSize uint64
Data []byte
// AttributeType represents the type of an Attribute. Use Name() to get the attribute type's name.
type AttributeType uint32
// Known values for AttributeType. Note that other values might occur too.
const (
AttributeTypeStandardInformation AttributeType = 0x10 // $STANDARD_INFORMATION; always resident
AttributeTypeAttributeList AttributeType = 0x20 // $ATTRIBUTE_LIST; mixed residency
AttributeTypeFileName AttributeType = 0x30 // $FILE_NAME; always resident
AttributeTypeObjectId AttributeType = 0x40 // $OBJECT_ID; always resident
AttributeTypeSecurityDescriptor AttributeType = 0x50 // $SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR; always resident?
AttributeTypeVolumeName AttributeType = 0x60 // $VOLUME_NAME; always resident?
AttributeTypeVolumeInformation AttributeType = 0x70 // $VOLUME_INFORMATION; never resident?
AttributeTypeData AttributeType = 0x80 // $DATA; mixed residency
AttributeTypeIndexRoot AttributeType = 0x90 // $INDEX_ROOT; always resident
AttributeTypeIndexAllocation AttributeType = 0xa0 // $INDEX_ALLOCATION; never resident?
AttributeTypeBitmap AttributeType = 0xb0 // $BITMAP; nearly always resident?
AttributeTypeReparsePoint AttributeType = 0xc0 // $REPARSE_POINT; always resident?
AttributeTypeEAInformation AttributeType = 0xd0 // $EA_INFORMATION; always resident
AttributeTypeEA AttributeType = 0xe0 // $EA; nearly always resident?
AttributeTypePropertySet AttributeType = 0xf0 // $PROPERTY_SET
AttributeTypeLoggedUtilityStream AttributeType = 0x100 // $LOGGED_UTILITY_STREAM; always resident
AttributeTypeTerminator AttributeType = 0xFFFFFFFF // Indicates the last attribute in a list; will not actually be returned by ParseAttributes
// AttributeFlags represents a bit mask flag indicating various properties of an attribute's data.
type AttributeFlags uint16
// Bit values for the AttributeFlags. For example, an encrypted, compressed attribute has value 0x4001.
const (
AttributeFlagsCompressed AttributeFlags = 0x0001
AttributeFlagsEncrypted AttributeFlags = 0x4000
AttributeFlagsSparse AttributeFlags = 0x8000
// Is checks if this AttributeFlags's bit mask contains the specified flag.
func (f *AttributeFlags) Is(c AttributeFlags) bool {
return *f&c == c
// ParseAttributes parses bytes into Attributes. The data is assumed to be in Little Endian order. Only the attribute
// headers are parsed, not the actual attribute data.
func ParseAttributes(b []byte) ([]Attribute, error) {
if len(b) == 0 {
return []Attribute{}, nil
attributes := make([]Attribute, 0)
for len(b) > 0 {
if len(b) < 4 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("attribute header data should be at least 4 bytes but is %d", len(b))
r := binutil.NewLittleEndianReader(b)
attrType := r.Uint32(0)
if attrType == uint32(AttributeTypeTerminator) {
if len(b) < 8 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot read attribute header record length, data should be at least 8 bytes but is %d", len(b))
uRecordLength := r.Uint32(0x04)
if int64(uRecordLength) > maxInt {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("record length %d overflows maximum int value %d", uRecordLength, maxInt)
recordLength := int(uRecordLength)
if recordLength <= 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot handle attribute with zero or negative record length %d", recordLength)
if recordLength > len(b) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("attribute record length %d exceeds data length %d", recordLength, len(b))
recordData := r.Read(0, recordLength)
attribute, err := ParseAttribute(recordData)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
attributes = append(attributes, attribute)
b = r.ReadFrom(recordLength)
return attributes, nil
// ParseAttribute parses bytes into an Attribute. The data is assumed to be in Little Endian order. Only the attribute
// headers are parsed, not the actual attribute data.
func ParseAttribute(b []byte) (Attribute, error) {
if len(b) < 22 {
return Attribute{}, fmt.Errorf("attribute data should be at least 22 bytes but is %d", len(b))
r := binutil.NewLittleEndianReader(b)
nameLength := r.Byte(0x09)
nameOffset := r.Uint16(0x0A)
name := ""
if nameLength != 0 {
nameBytes := r.Read(int(nameOffset), int(nameLength)*2)
name = utf16.DecodeString(nameBytes, binary.LittleEndian)
resident := r.Byte(0x08) == 0x00
var attributeData []byte
actualSize := uint64(0)
allocatedSize := uint64(0)
if resident {
dataOffset := int(r.Uint16(0x14))
uDataLength := r.Uint32(0x10)
if int64(uDataLength) > maxInt {
return Attribute{}, fmt.Errorf("attribute data length %d overflows maximum int value %d", uDataLength, maxInt)
dataLength := int(uDataLength)
expectedDataLength := dataOffset + dataLength
if len(b) < expectedDataLength {
return Attribute{}, fmt.Errorf("expected attribute data length to be at least %d but is %d", expectedDataLength, len(b))
attributeData = r.Read(dataOffset, dataLength)
} else {
dataOffset := int(r.Uint16(0x20))
if len(b) < dataOffset {
return Attribute{}, fmt.Errorf("expected attribute data length to be at least %d but is %d", dataOffset, len(b))
allocatedSize = r.Uint64(0x28)
actualSize = r.Uint64(0x30)
attributeData = r.ReadFrom(int(dataOffset))
return Attribute{
Type: AttributeType(r.Uint32(0)),
Resident: resident,
Name: name,
Flags: AttributeFlags(r.Uint16(0x0C)),
AttributeId: int(r.Uint16(0x0E)),
AllocatedSize: allocatedSize,
ActualSize: actualSize,
Data: binutil.Duplicate(attributeData),
}, nil
// A DataRun represents a fragment of data somewhere on a volume. The OffsetCluster, which can be negative, is relative
// to a previous DataRun's offset. The OffsetCluster of the first DataRun in a list is relative to the beginning of the
// volume.
type DataRun struct {
OffsetCluster int64
LengthInClusters uint64
// ParseDataRuns parses bytes into a list of DataRuns. Each DataRun's OffsetCluster is relative to the DataRun before
// it. The first element's OffsetCluster is relative to the beginning of the volume.
func ParseDataRuns(b []byte) ([]DataRun, error) {
if len(b) == 0 {
return []DataRun{}, nil
runs := make([]DataRun, 0)
for len(b) > 0 {
r := binutil.NewLittleEndianReader(b)
header := r.Byte(0)
if header == 0 {
lengthLength := int(header &^ 0xF0)
offsetLength := int(header >> 4)
dataRunDataLength := offsetLength + lengthLength
headerAndDataLength := dataRunDataLength + 1
if len(b) < headerAndDataLength {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected at least %d bytes of datarun data but is %d", headerAndDataLength, len(b))
dataRunData := r.Reader(1, dataRunDataLength)
lengthBytes := dataRunData.Read(0, lengthLength)
dataLength := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(padTo(lengthBytes, 8))
offsetBytes := dataRunData.Read(lengthLength, offsetLength)
dataOffset := int64(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(padTo(offsetBytes, 8)))
runs = append(runs, DataRun{OffsetCluster: dataOffset, LengthInClusters: dataLength})
b = r.ReadFrom(headerAndDataLength)
return runs, nil
// DataRunsToFragments transform a list of DataRuns with relative offsets and lengths specified in cluster into a list
// of fragment.Fragment elements with absolute offsets and lengths specified in bytes (for example for use in a
// fragment.Reader). Note that data will probably not align to a cluster exactly so there could be some padding at the
// end. It is up to the user of the Fragments to limit reads to actual data size (eg. by using an io.LimitedReader or
// modifying the last element in the list to limit its length).
func DataRunsToFragments(runs []DataRun, bytesPerCluster int) []fragment.Fragment {
frags := make([]fragment.Fragment, len(runs))
previousOffsetCluster := int64(0)
for i, run := range runs {
exactClusterOffset := previousOffsetCluster + run.OffsetCluster
frags[i] = fragment.Fragment{
Offset: exactClusterOffset * int64(bytesPerCluster),
Length: int64(run.LengthInClusters) * int64(bytesPerCluster),
previousOffsetCluster = exactClusterOffset
return frags
func padTo(data []byte, length int) []byte {
if len(data) > length {
return data
if len(data) == length {
return data
result := make([]byte, length)
if len(data) == 0 {
return result
copy(result, data)
if data[len(data)-1]&0b10000000 == 0b10000000 {
for i := len(data); i < length; i++ {
result[i] = 0xFF
return result
// Name returns a string representation of the attribute type. For example "$STANDARD_INFORMATION" or "$FILE_NAME". For
// anyte attribute type which is unknown, Name will return "unknown".
func (at AttributeType) Name() string {
switch at {
case AttributeTypeStandardInformation:
case AttributeTypeAttributeList:
case AttributeTypeFileName:
return "$FILE_NAME"
case AttributeTypeObjectId:
return "$OBJECT_ID"
case AttributeTypeSecurityDescriptor:
case AttributeTypeVolumeName:
return "$VOLUME_NAME"
case AttributeTypeVolumeInformation:
case AttributeTypeData:
return "$DATA"
case AttributeTypeIndexRoot:
return "$INDEX_ROOT"
case AttributeTypeIndexAllocation:
case AttributeTypeBitmap:
return "$BITMAP"
case AttributeTypeReparsePoint:
case AttributeTypeEAInformation:
case AttributeTypeEA:
return "$EA"
case AttributeTypePropertySet:
return "$PROPERTY_SET"
case AttributeTypeLoggedUtilityStream:
return "unknown"