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//+build linux
package staros
import "syscall"
// Memory 系统内存信息
func Memory() MemStatus {
var mem MemStatus
ram := new(syscall.Sysinfo_t)
if err := syscall.Sysinfo(ram); err != nil {
return mem
mem.All = uint64(ram.Totalram)
mem.BuffCache = uint64(ram.Bufferram)
mem.Free = uint64(ram.Freeram)
mem.Shared = uint64(ram.Sharedram)
mem.Available = uint64(ram.Freeram + ram.Sharedram + ram.Bufferram)
mem.SwapAll = uint64(ram.Totalswap)
mem.SwapFree = uint64(ram.Freeswap)
mem.SwapUsed = uint64(mem.SwapAll - mem.SwapFree)
mem.Used = uint64(mem.All - mem.Free)
return mem