You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

254 lines
6.6 KiB

package binlog
import (
type TxDetail struct {
StartPos int
EndPos int
Db string
Table string
SqlType string
RowCount int
type Transaction struct {
GTID string
StartPos int
EndPos int
Size int
SQLOrigin string
Timestamp int64
RowsCount int
Txs []TxDetail
func ParseBinlogFile(path string, fx func(transaction Transaction)) error {
return parseOneBinlog(path, fx)
func parseOneBinlog(path string, fx func(Transaction)) error {
if !staros.Exists(path) {
return os.ErrNotExist
f, err := os.Open(path)
if f != nil {
defer f.Close()
if err != nil {
return err
fileTypeBytes := int64(4)
b := make([]byte, fileTypeBytes)
// 读取binlog头
if _, err = f.Read(b); err != nil {
return err
} else if !bytes.Equal(b, replication.BinLogFileHeader) {
return err
// must not seek to other position, otherwise the program may panic because formatevent, table map event is skipped
if _, err = f.Seek(fileTypeBytes, os.SEEK_SET); err != nil {
return err
return parseBinlogDetail(f, fx)
func parseBinlogDetail(r io.Reader, f func(Transaction)) error {
parse := replication.NewBinlogParser()
// process: 0, continue: 1, break: 2, EOF: 3
var (
err error
n int64
db string = ""
tb string = ""
sql string = ""
sqlType string = ""
rowCnt uint32 = 0
tbMapPos uint32 = 0
var tx Transaction
for {
headBuf := make([]byte, replication.EventHeaderSize)
if _, err = io.ReadFull(r, headBuf); err == io.EOF {
return nil
} else if err != nil {
return err
var h *replication.EventHeader
h, err = parse.ParseHeader(headBuf)
if err != nil {
return err
//fmt.Printf("parsing %s %d %s\n", *binlog, h.LogPos, GetDatetimeStr(int64(h.Timestamp), int64(0), DATETIME_FORMAT))
if h.EventSize <= uint32(replication.EventHeaderSize) {
err = fmt.Errorf("invalid event header, event size is %d, too small", h.EventSize)
return err
var buf bytes.Buffer
if n, err = io.CopyN(&buf, r, int64(h.EventSize)-int64(replication.EventHeaderSize)); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("get event body err %v, need %d - %d, but got %d", err, h.EventSize, replication.EventHeaderSize, n)
return err
data := buf.Bytes()
var rawData []byte
rawData = append(rawData, headBuf...)
rawData = append(rawData, data...)
eventLen := int(h.EventSize) - replication.EventHeaderSize
if len(data) != eventLen {
err = fmt.Errorf("invalid data size %d in event %s, less event length %d", len(data), h.EventType, eventLen)
return err
var e replication.Event
e, err = parse.ParseEvent(h, data, rawData)
if err != nil {
return err
if h.EventType == replication.TABLE_MAP_EVENT {
tbMapPos = h.LogPos - h.EventSize // avoid mysqlbing mask the row event as unknown table row event
//binEvent := &replication.BinlogEvent{RawData: rawData, Header: h, Event: e}
binEvent := &replication.BinlogEvent{Header: h, Event: e} // we donnot need raw data
db, tb, sqlType, sql, rowCnt = GetDbTbAndQueryAndRowCntFromBinevent(binEvent)
startPos := 0
if sqlType == "query" {
startPos = int(h.LogPos - h.EventSize)
//fmt.Println(h.Timestamp, h.LogPos-h.EventSize, h.LogPos, db, tb, "sql="+sql, rowCnt, sqlType)
// cfg.StatChan <- BinEventStats{Timestamp: h.Timestamp, Binlog: *binlog, StartPos: h.LogPos - h.EventSize, StopPos: h.LogPos,
// Database: db, Table: tb, QuerySql: sql, RowCnt: rowCnt, QueryType: sqlType}
} else {
startPos = int(tbMapPos)
//fmt.Println(h.Timestamp, tbMapPos, h.LogPos, db, tb, "sql="+sql, rowCnt, sqlType)
// cfg.StatChan <- BinEventStats{Timestamp: h.Timestamp, Binlog: *binlog, StartPos: tbMapPos, StopPos: h.LogPos,
// Database: db, Table: tb, QuerySql: sql, RowCnt: rowCnt, QueryType: sqlType}
switch sqlType {
case "gtid":
if tx.StartPos != 0 {
for _, v := range tx.Txs {
tx.RowsCount += v.RowCount
tx.Size = tx.EndPos - tx.StartPos
if f != nil {
tx = Transaction{
GTID: sql,
StartPos: startPos,
case "":
tx.EndPos = int(h.LogPos)
case "rowsquery":
tx.EndPos = int(h.LogPos)
tx.SQLOrigin = sql
tx.EndPos = int(h.LogPos)
tx.Txs = append(tx.Txs, TxDetail{
StartPos: startPos,
EndPos: int(h.LogPos),
Db: db,
Table: tb,
SqlType: sqlType,
RowCount: int(rowCnt),
func GetDbTbAndQueryAndRowCntFromBinevent(ev *replication.BinlogEvent) (string, string, string, string, uint32) {
var (
db string = ""
tb string = ""
sql string = ""
sqlType string = ""
rowCnt uint32 = 0
switch ev.Header.EventType {
case replication.WRITE_ROWS_EVENTv1,
wrEvent := ev.Event.(*replication.RowsEvent)
db = string(wrEvent.Table.Schema)
tb = string(wrEvent.Table.Table)
sqlType = "insert"
rowCnt = uint32(len(wrEvent.Rows))
case replication.UPDATE_ROWS_EVENTv1,
wrEvent := ev.Event.(*replication.RowsEvent)
db = string(wrEvent.Table.Schema)
tb = string(wrEvent.Table.Table)
sqlType = "update"
rowCnt = uint32(len(wrEvent.Rows)) / 2
case replication.DELETE_ROWS_EVENTv1,
wrEvent := ev.Event.(*replication.RowsEvent)
db = string(wrEvent.Table.Schema)
tb = string(wrEvent.Table.Table)
sqlType = "delete"
rowCnt = uint32(len(wrEvent.Rows))
case replication.ROWS_QUERY_EVENT:
queryEvent := ev.Event.(*replication.RowsQueryEvent)
sql = string(queryEvent.Query)
sqlType = "rowsquery"
case replication.QUERY_EVENT:
queryEvent := ev.Event.(*replication.QueryEvent)
db = string(queryEvent.Schema)
sql = string(queryEvent.Query)
sqlType = "query"
case replication.MARIADB_GTID_EVENT:
// For global transaction ID, used to start a new transaction event group, instead of the old BEGIN query event, and also to mark stand-alone (ddl).
sql = "begin"
sqlType = "query"
case replication.XID_EVENT:
// XID_EVENT represents commit。rollback transaction not in binlog
sql = "commit"
sqlType = "query"
case replication.GTID_EVENT:
ge := ev.Event.(*replication.GTIDEvent)
gid, err := gtid.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", bytesToUuid(ge.SID), ge.SequenceNumber))
if err == nil {
sql = gid.String()
sqlType = "gtid"
return db, tb, sqlType, sql, rowCnt