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package calendar
import (
const (
JQ_ = 15 * iota
// Lunar 公历转农历
// 传入 公历年月日,时区
// 返回 农历月,日,是否闰月以及文字描述
// 按现行农历GB/T 33661-2017算法计算推荐使用年限为[1929-3000]年
// 古代由于定朔定气误差此处计算会与古时不符
func Lunar(year, month, day int, timezone float64) (int, int, bool, string) {
return basic.GetLunar(year, month, day, timezone/24.0)
// Solar 农历转公历
// 传入 农历年份,月,日,是否闰月,时区
// 传出 公历时间
// 农历年份用公历年份代替,但是岁首需要使用农历岁首
// 例计算己亥猪年腊月三十日对应的公历即2020年1月24日
// 由于农历还未到鼠年故应当传入Solar(2019,12,30,false)
// 按现行农历GB/T 33661-2017算法计算推荐使用年限为[1929-3000]年
// 古代由于定朔定气误差此处计算会与古时不符
func Solar(year, month, day int, leap bool, timezone float64) time.Time {
jde := basic.GetSolar(year, month, day, leap, timezone/24.0)
zone := time.FixedZone("CST", int(timezone*3600))
return basic.JDE2DateByZone(jde, zone, true)
// SolarToLunar 公历转农历
// 传入 公历年月日
// 返回 农历月,日,是否闰月以及文字描述
// 忽略时区,日期一律按北京时间计算
// 按现行农历GB/T 33661-2017算法计算推荐使用年限为[1929-3000]年
// 古代由于定朔定气误差此处计算会与古时不符
func SolarToLunar(date time.Time) (int, int, bool, string) {
return basic.GetLunar(date.Year(), int(date.Month()), date.Day(), 8.0/24.0)
// LunarToSolar 农历转公历
// 传入 农历年份,月,日,是否闰月
// 传出 公历时间
// 农历年份用公历年份代替,但是岁首需要使用农历岁首
// 例计算己亥猪年腊月三十日对应的公历即2020年1月24日
// 由于农历还未到鼠年故应当传入Solar(2019,12,30,false)
// 按现行农历GB/T 33661-2017算法计算推荐使用年限为[1929-3000]年
// 古代由于定朔定气误差此处计算会与古时不符
func LunarToSolar(year, month, day int, leap bool) time.Time {
jde := basic.GetSolar(year, month, day, leap, 8.0/24.0)
zone := time.FixedZone("CST", 8*3600)
return basic.JDE2DateByZone(jde, zone, true)
// GanZhi 返回传入年份对应的干支
func GanZhi(year int) string {
return basic.GetGZ(year)
// JieQi 返回传入年份、节气对应的北京时间节气时间
func JieQi(year, term int) time.Time {
calcJde := basic.GetJQTime(year, term)
zone := time.FixedZone("CST", 8*3600)
return basic.JDE2DateByZone(calcJde, zone, false)
// WuHou 返回传入年份、物候对应的北京时间物候时间
func WuHou(year, term int) time.Time {
calcJde := basic.GetWHTime(year, term)
zone := time.FixedZone("CST", 8*3600)
return basic.JDE2DateByZone(calcJde, zone, false)
// RapidLunarToSolar 农历转公历(快速查表法)
// 传入 农历年份,月,日,是否闰月
// 传出 公历时间
// 农历年份用公历年份代替,但是岁首需要使用农历岁首
// 例计算己亥猪年腊月三十日对应的公历即2020年1月24日
// 由于农历还未到鼠年故应当传入Solar(2019,12,30,false)
// 按现行农历GB/T 33661-2017算法计算推荐使用年限为[1929-3000]年
// 对于东八区[1900-2400]年的查询,会使用查表法加快计算速度
// 古代由于定朔定气误差此处计算会与古时不符
func RapidLunarToSolar(year, month, day int, leap bool) time.Time {
if year < 1900 || year > 2400 {
jde := basic.GetSolar(year, month, day, leap, 8.0/24.0)
zone := time.FixedZone("CST", 8*3600)
return basic.JDE2DateByZone(jde, zone, true)
return rapidSolar(year, month, day, leap)
// RapidSolarToLunar 公历转农历(快速查表法)
// 传入 公历年月日
// 返回 农历月,日,是否闰月以及文字描述
// 忽略时区,日期一律按北京时间计算
// 按现行农历GB/T 33661-2017算法计算推荐使用年限为[1929-3000]年
// 古代由于定朔定气误差此处计算会与古时不符
// 对于东八区[1900-2400]年的查询,会使用查表法加快计算速度
func RapidSolarToLunar(date time.Time) (int, int, bool, string) {
if date.Year() < 1900 || date.Year() > 2400 {
return basic.GetLunar(date.Year(), int(date.Month()), date.Day(), 8.0/24.0)
return rapidLunar(date.Year(), int(date.Month()), date.Day())
func rapidLunar(year, month, day int) (int, int, bool, string) {
var upper = []uint16{32274, 52242, 41001, 30036, 49204, 36918, 25882, 46101, 34854, 22674, 43026, 31145, 51241, 38964, 26997, 47149, 36885, 23717, 44069, 34258, 53266, 41001, 29036, 49178, 37915, 24875, 46090, 34853, 23698, 43026, 31129, 50229, 38970, 26971, 47126, 36874, 24804, 44068, 32242, 52274, 41013, 28086, 48173, 37909, 25898, 46089, 34852, 22706, 43050, 30189, 50203, 38957, 27989, 47123, 35881, 24788, 45076, 32298, 51258, 40986, 29099, 48170, 37906, 25897, 46121, 34836, 21754, 42038, 31190, 50197, 38949, 27986, 48146, 35881, 23860, 44084, 32309, 51245, 39981, 29093, 49189, 37906, 25897, 46121, 35500, 53274, 42011, 30123, 50218, 38949, 27986, 48146, 36889, 23770, 43066, 32282, 52246, 39978, 29028, 49188, 37938, 24885, 45109, 33846, 22678, 42005, 30186, 51209, 39972, 26994, 47146, 35885, 23853, 43051, 32341, 52242, 41001, 29076, 49172, 37930, 25885, 45082, 33835, 22675, 43026, 30121, 50217, 38964, 27002, 46133, 35862, 23770, 44069, 32466, 52242, 41001, 29108, 48180, 36917, 24950, 45101, 33813, 22674, 43026, 31209, 50217, 38954, 26989, 47131, 34859, 23765, 44068, 34322, 52242, 40985, 29082, 48186, 36890, 24874, 45098, 34852, 21746, 42034, 30197, 50229, 37942, 26966, 47125, 35881, 23828, 44052, 32298, 52266, 39981, 28077, 48171, 37909, 24873, 45097, 34836, 22762, 42010, 30172, 50202, 38955, 26963, 47122, 35881, 24852, 43060, 31290, 51253, 39990, 28058, 48149, 37906, 25897, 45097, 33844, 21686, 42037, 30198, 50221, 39957, 29010, 48146, 36905, 24884, 45098, 32365, 52251, 41003, 30101, 49188, 38930, 26905, 47125, 34842, 22747, 43034, 31210, 50218, 39956, 28018, 48170, 35893, 23866, 44086, 34518, 52245, 41001, 30100, 50196, 37930, 25973, 46124, 34861, 22677, 43029, 31209, 51241, 39956, 28010, 48154, 36892, 23853, 44058, 34507, 53266, 41001, 30100, 49204, 37946, 25946, 45110, 34838, 23754, 43018, 31208, 51240, 39988, 27061, 47149, 35893, 24854, 44053, 34442, 53265, 42024, 29098, 49194, 37933, 25965, 45099, 34837, 23753, 44049, 31192, 51220, 39962, 28059, 47126, 35882, 24852, 45074, 31785, 21652, 41012, 29114, 48181, 37910, 25962, 46121, 34834, 22761, 43049, 31220, 50220, 38957, 28053, 48139, 36901, 25874, 46098, 35433, 53273, 42010, 30125, 50202, 38922, 26917, 47140, 36882, 23769, 43065, 31226, 51254, 39958, 29002, 49162, 37924, 24882, 45106, 34421, 53293, 41005, 30165, 50197, 39945, 26980, 47140, 35882, 23797, 43053, 31277, 51243, 40981, 29001, 49161, 37908, 25898, 45082, 34523, 53270, 42026, 30098, 50194, 38953, 27988, 46132, 34874, 23770, 44054, 31210, 51237, 40978, 29097, 48169, 36916, 24950, 45101, 31797, 21605, 42021, 31186, 50194, 38953, 26988, 47130, 34859, 22765, 44042, 32293, 51236, 40978, 29081, 48185, 35898, 24859, 45078, 34826, 21669, 42020, 30130, 50226, 37941, 25974, 46125, 35861, 22762, 44041, 32228, 52260, 39978, 28077, 48157, 36909, 24853, 45075, 33833, 22676, 43028, 31146, 50234, 39962, 26987, 47146, 36882, 24809, 44073, 34260, 52276, 41014, 29082, 49173, 37926, 26898, 46098, 35497, 54313, 43060, 30197, 50221, 38957, 28005, 47141, 36882, 24809, 45097, 32300, 52250, 40987, 29101, 48170, 37925, 26898, 47122, 34841, 22746, 42042, 31195, 50198, 38954, 28004, 48164, 35890, 23861, 44085, 32310, 51245, 40981, 29098, 50185, 37924, 25970, 46122, 34861, 21614, 42029, 31189, 51218, 38953, 27988, 48148, 36906, 23837, 44058, 32299, 52266, 40978, 29097, 49193, 38932, 24954, 45110, 33846, 22682, 42021, 31186, 51218, 39977, 26996, 47156, 35893, 23862, 43053, 32405, 52261, 42002, 29097, 49193, 37932, 25901, 45083, 33835, 22677, 43044, 31122, 51218, 39961, 27994}
var lower = []uint8{218, 184, 92, 154, 152, 84, 170, 168, 180, 186, 184, 54, 52, 148, 82, 84, 168, 180, 108, 110, 108, 44, 150, 148, 80, 106, 216, 92, 94, 92, 44, 40, 148, 82, 180, 216, 220, 184, 90, 84, 40, 148, 84, 168, 182, 116, 180, 86, 84, 42, 40, 84, 106, 104, 108, 174, 172, 84, 84, 168, 84, 212, 216, 92, 92, 152, 76, 84, 170, 168, 180, 186, 180, 52, 154, 148, 74, 80, 168, 180, 108, 108, 46, 44, 150, 148, 80, 104, 216, 92, 94, 92, 44, 148, 148, 202, 176, 216, 218, 184, 88, 42, 40, 148, 170, 168, 182, 116, 180, 86, 84, 40, 84, 84, 106, 232, 108, 174, 172, 76, 42, 168, 84, 106, 216, 92, 56, 152, 76, 76, 168, 212, 180, 186, 180, 52, 150, 148, 72, 168, 104, 180, 182, 108, 46, 44, 148, 74, 72, 104, 108, 220, 94, 92, 44, 148, 148, 200, 216, 184, 184, 92, 88, 42, 40, 148, 170, 168, 180, 186, 180, 86, 84, 40, 84, 84, 104, 116, 108, 172, 78, 76, 166, 168, 84, 106, 216, 92, 156, 88, 76, 72, 168, 212, 180, 184, 58, 52, 84, 74, 72, 164, 104, 116, 182, 108, 44, 150, 148, 74, 72, 88, 108, 220, 92, 46, 44, 148, 74, 168, 212, 180, 184, 92, 88, 40, 148, 84, 170, 168, 180, 186, 180, 52, 42, 168, 84, 170, 104, 116, 108, 172, 46, 44, 164, 84, 212, 106, 216, 92, 92, 88, 44, 164, 164, 212, 218, 184, 186, 180, 84, 42, 72, 164, 180, 108, 182, 108, 172, 86, 84, 40, 84, 84, 108, 110, 92, 174, 172, 84, 42, 168, 212, 218, 184, 92, 172, 168, 84, 84, 168, 212, 180, 184, 86, 52, 150, 164, 84, 170, 104, 116, 182, 108, 46, 44, 164, 82, 212, 216, 108, 220, 92, 44, 40, 148, 164, 212, 218, 184, 184, 90, 84, 42, 40, 164, 180, 108, 116, 182, 172, 84, 42, 40, 84, 84, 108, 110, 92, 172, 86, 84, 42, 168, 212, 218, 184, 92, 154, 152, 84, 170, 168, 180, 116, 184, 54, 52, 148, 74, 80, 168, 180, 108, 174, 108, 44, 150, 148, 80, 106, 216, 108, 220, 92, 44, 40, 148, 82, 180, 216, 92, 184, 90, 84, 40, 148, 148, 168, 182, 116, 182, 172, 84, 42, 40, 84, 170, 104, 108, 174, 172, 84, 84, 168, 84, 212, 216, 92, 92, 154, 152, 84, 170, 168, 180, 186, 180, 54, 52, 148, 74, 80, 168, 180, 108, 108, 46, 44, 150, 148, 80, 104, 216, 92, 94, 92, 44, 148, 148, 74, 176, 216, 218, 184, 88, 42, 40, 148, 84, 168, 182, 116, 180, 86, 84, 40, 148, 84, 106, 232, 108, 174, 172, 76, 42, 168, 84, 212, 216, 92, 92, 152, 76, 72, 168, 212, 180, 186, 180, 52, 150, 148, 72, 168, 104, 180, 108, 108, 46, 44, 148, 74, 72, 104, 108, 220, 94, 92, 44, 148}
if year < 1900 || year > 2400 {
return 0, 0, false, "超过日期限制"
useGoto := false
idx := year - 1900
magic := int32(upper[idx])<<8 + int32(lower[idx])
springMonth := (magic&0x800000)>>23 + 1
springDay := (magic & 0x7FFFFF) >> 18
if !useGoto && springMonth == int32(month) && springDay == int32(day) {
return 1, 1, false, "正月初一"
if !useGoto && (springMonth > int32(month) || (springMonth == int32(month) && springDay > int32(day))) {
useGoto = true
goto recalc
calcYear := year
if useGoto {
target := time.Date(calcYear, time.Month(month), day, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.Local)
spring := time.Date(year, time.Month(int(springMonth)), int(springDay), 0, 0, 0, 0, time.Local)
diffDay := int(target.Sub(spring).Hours() / 24)
lunarMonth := 1
totalDay := 0
isLeap := false
leapMonth := int(uint8(magic>>14) & 0xF)
strmonth := []string{"十", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六", "七", "八", "九", "十", "冬", "腊"}
strday := []string{"初", "十", "廿", "三"}
for i := 0; i < 13; i++ {
var dayofLunar = 29
1 year ago
if uint8(magic&0x3FFE>>(13-i))&1 == 1 {
if totalDay+dayofLunar > diffDay {
var result string
if isLeap {
result += "闰"
if lunarMonth == 1 {
result += "正月"
} else {
result += strmonth[lunarMonth] + "月"
lday := diffDay - totalDay + 1
if lday == 20 {
result += "二十"
} else if lday == 10 {
result += "初十"
} else {
result += strday[lday/10] + strmonth[lday%10]
return lunarMonth, lday, isLeap, result
totalDay += dayofLunar
if lunarMonth-leapMonth == 1 && !isLeap {
isLeap = true
} else {
isLeap = false
return 0, 0, false, "无法获取农历信息"
func rapidSolar(year, month, day int, isLeap bool) time.Time {
var upper = []uint16{32274, 52242, 41001, 30036, 49204, 36918, 25882, 46101, 34854, 22674, 43026, 31145, 51241, 38964, 26997, 47149, 36885, 23717, 44069, 34258, 53266, 41001, 29036, 49178, 37915, 24875, 46090, 34853, 23698, 43026, 31129, 50229, 38970, 26971, 47126, 36874, 24804, 44068, 32242, 52274, 41013, 28086, 48173, 37909, 25898, 46089, 34852, 22706, 43050, 30189, 50203, 38957, 27989, 47123, 35881, 24788, 45076, 32298, 51258, 40986, 29099, 48170, 37906, 25897, 46121, 34836, 21754, 42038, 31190, 50197, 38949, 27986, 48146, 35881, 23860, 44084, 32309, 51245, 39981, 29093, 49189, 37906, 25897, 46121, 35500, 53274, 42011, 30123, 50218, 38949, 27986, 48146, 36889, 23770, 43066, 32282, 52246, 39978, 29028, 49188, 37938, 24885, 45109, 33846, 22678, 42005, 30186, 51209, 39972, 26994, 47146, 35885, 23853, 43051, 32341, 52242, 41001, 29076, 49172, 37930, 25885, 45082, 33835, 22675, 43026, 30121, 50217, 38964, 27002, 46133, 35862, 23770, 44069, 32466, 52242, 41001, 29108, 48180, 36917, 24950, 45101, 33813, 22674, 43026, 31209, 50217, 38954, 26989, 47131, 34859, 23765, 44068, 34322, 52242, 40985, 29082, 48186, 36890, 24874, 45098, 34852, 21746, 42034, 30197, 50229, 37942, 26966, 47125, 35881, 23828, 44052, 32298, 52266, 39981, 28077, 48171, 37909, 24873, 45097, 34836, 22762, 42010, 30172, 50202, 38955, 26963, 47122, 35881, 24852, 43060, 31290, 51253, 39990, 28058, 48149, 37906, 25897, 45097, 33844, 21686, 42037, 30198, 50221, 39957, 29010, 48146, 36905, 24884, 45098, 32365, 52251, 41003, 30101, 49188, 38930, 26905, 47125, 34842, 22747, 43034, 31210, 50218, 39956, 28018, 48170, 35893, 23866, 44086, 34518, 52245, 41001, 30100, 50196, 37930, 25973, 46124, 34861, 22677, 43029, 31209, 51241, 39956, 28010, 48154, 36892, 23853, 44058, 34507, 53266, 41001, 30100, 49204, 37946, 25946, 45110, 34838, 23754, 43018, 31208, 51240, 39988, 27061, 47149, 35893, 24854, 44053, 34442, 53265, 42024, 29098, 49194, 37933, 25965, 45099, 34837, 23753, 44049, 31192, 51220, 39962, 28059, 47126, 35882, 24852, 45074, 31785, 21652, 41012, 29114, 48181, 37910, 25962, 46121, 34834, 22761, 43049, 31220, 50220, 38957, 28053, 48139, 36901, 25874, 46098, 35433, 53273, 42010, 30125, 50202, 38922, 26917, 47140, 36882, 23769, 43065, 31226, 51254, 39958, 29002, 49162, 37924, 24882, 45106, 34421, 53293, 41005, 30165, 50197, 39945, 26980, 47140, 35882, 23797, 43053, 31277, 51243, 40981, 29001, 49161, 37908, 25898, 45082, 34523, 53270, 42026, 30098, 50194, 38953, 27988, 46132, 34874, 23770, 44054, 31210, 51237, 40978, 29097, 48169, 36916, 24950, 45101, 31797, 21605, 42021, 31186, 50194, 38953, 26988, 47130, 34859, 22765, 44042, 32293, 51236, 40978, 29081, 48185, 35898, 24859, 45078, 34826, 21669, 42020, 30130, 50226, 37941, 25974, 46125, 35861, 22762, 44041, 32228, 52260, 39978, 28077, 48157, 36909, 24853, 45075, 33833, 22676, 43028, 31146, 50234, 39962, 26987, 47146, 36882, 24809, 44073, 34260, 52276, 41014, 29082, 49173, 37926, 26898, 46098, 35497, 54313, 43060, 30197, 50221, 38957, 28005, 47141, 36882, 24809, 45097, 32300, 52250, 40987, 29101, 48170, 37925, 26898, 47122, 34841, 22746, 42042, 31195, 50198, 38954, 28004, 48164, 35890, 23861, 44085, 32310, 51245, 40981, 29098, 50185, 37924, 25970, 46122, 34861, 21614, 42029, 31189, 51218, 38953, 27988, 48148, 36906, 23837, 44058, 32299, 52266, 40978, 29097, 49193, 38932, 24954, 45110, 33846, 22682, 42021, 31186, 51218, 39977, 26996, 47156, 35893, 23862, 43053, 32405, 52261, 42002, 29097, 49193, 37932, 25901, 45083, 33835, 22677, 43044, 31122, 51218, 39961, 27994}
var lower = []uint8{218, 184, 92, 154, 152, 84, 170, 168, 180, 186, 184, 54, 52, 148, 82, 84, 168, 180, 108, 110, 108, 44, 150, 148, 80, 106, 216, 92, 94, 92, 44, 40, 148, 82, 180, 216, 220, 184, 90, 84, 40, 148, 84, 168, 182, 116, 180, 86, 84, 42, 40, 84, 106, 104, 108, 174, 172, 84, 84, 168, 84, 212, 216, 92, 92, 152, 76, 84, 170, 168, 180, 186, 180, 52, 154, 148, 74, 80, 168, 180, 108, 108, 46, 44, 150, 148, 80, 104, 216, 92, 94, 92, 44, 148, 148, 202, 176, 216, 218, 184, 88, 42, 40, 148, 170, 168, 182, 116, 180, 86, 84, 40, 84, 84, 106, 232, 108, 174, 172, 76, 42, 168, 84, 106, 216, 92, 56, 152, 76, 76, 168, 212, 180, 186, 180, 52, 150, 148, 72, 168, 104, 180, 182, 108, 46, 44, 148, 74, 72, 104, 108, 220, 94, 92, 44, 148, 148, 200, 216, 184, 184, 92, 88, 42, 40, 148, 170, 168, 180, 186, 180, 86, 84, 40, 84, 84, 104, 116, 108, 172, 78, 76, 166, 168, 84, 106, 216, 92, 156, 88, 76, 72, 168, 212, 180, 184, 58, 52, 84, 74, 72, 164, 104, 116, 182, 108, 44, 150, 148, 74, 72, 88, 108, 220, 92, 46, 44, 148, 74, 168, 212, 180, 184, 92, 88, 40, 148, 84, 170, 168, 180, 186, 180, 52, 42, 168, 84, 170, 104, 116, 108, 172, 46, 44, 164, 84, 212, 106, 216, 92, 92, 88, 44, 164, 164, 212, 218, 184, 186, 180, 84, 42, 72, 164, 180, 108, 182, 108, 172, 86, 84, 40, 84, 84, 108, 110, 92, 174, 172, 84, 42, 168, 212, 218, 184, 92, 172, 168, 84, 84, 168, 212, 180, 184, 86, 52, 150, 164, 84, 170, 104, 116, 182, 108, 46, 44, 164, 82, 212, 216, 108, 220, 92, 44, 40, 148, 164, 212, 218, 184, 184, 90, 84, 42, 40, 164, 180, 108, 116, 182, 172, 84, 42, 40, 84, 84, 108, 110, 92, 172, 86, 84, 42, 168, 212, 218, 184, 92, 154, 152, 84, 170, 168, 180, 116, 184, 54, 52, 148, 74, 80, 168, 180, 108, 174, 108, 44, 150, 148, 80, 106, 216, 108, 220, 92, 44, 40, 148, 82, 180, 216, 92, 184, 90, 84, 40, 148, 148, 168, 182, 116, 182, 172, 84, 42, 40, 84, 170, 104, 108, 174, 172, 84, 84, 168, 84, 212, 216, 92, 92, 154, 152, 84, 170, 168, 180, 186, 180, 54, 52, 148, 74, 80, 168, 180, 108, 108, 46, 44, 150, 148, 80, 104, 216, 92, 94, 92, 44, 148, 148, 74, 176, 216, 218, 184, 88, 42, 40, 148, 84, 168, 182, 116, 180, 86, 84, 40, 148, 84, 106, 232, 108, 174, 172, 76, 42, 168, 84, 212, 216, 92, 92, 152, 76, 72, 168, 212, 180, 186, 180, 52, 150, 148, 72, 168, 104, 180, 108, 108, 46, 44, 148, 74, 72, 104, 108, 220, 94, 92, 44, 148}
if year < 1900 || year > 2400 {
return time.Time{}
idx := year - 1900
magic := int32(upper[idx])<<8 + int32(lower[idx])
springMonth := (magic&0x800000)>>23 + 1
springDay := (magic & 0x7FFFFF) >> 18
spring := time.Date(year, time.Month(int(springMonth)), int(springDay), 0, 0, 0, 0, time.Local)
lunarMonth := 1
totalDay := 0
leap := false
leapMonth := int(uint8(magic>>14) & 0xF)
for i := 0; i < 13; i++ {
if lunarMonth == month && isLeap == leap {
target := spring.AddDate(0, 0, totalDay+day-1)
return target
var dayofLunar = 29
1 year ago
if uint8(magic&0x3FFE>>(13-i))&1 == 1 {
totalDay += dayofLunar
if lunarMonth-leapMonth == 1 && !leap {
leap = true
} else {
leap = false
return time.Time{}